Chapter 26

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"Juliard" i whisper out of shock.


Juliard and I are at the nearby coffee shop. Right now, it's a bit awkward seeing as we haven't seen each other in two years.

"What are you doing back in town?" I ask him and he keeps his eyes locked on to his cup.

"My nan... she died"

"Oh, I'm so sorry" I sympathetically tell him. He smiles and shrugs.

"It's fine. We were never close anyways"

"How long have you been here?"

"Just over a week"

"Oh. Why were you at Jackson's grave?" I ask him getting to the point. He sighs and rubs the side of his face.

"No matter what Blythe, we were friends" I scoff and shake my head.

"Not from where I'm standing. You hated him with a passion"

"Yeah well it's not my fault he took the girl I wanted" my eyes go wide and i look down at my hands. Juliard had a thing for me, and well I never felt the same way. "Listen Blythe. I'm sorry. When I found out that you were back, I wanted to apologise straight away. And I also wanted to see you"

"Wait how did you- Ariana" i realise that he must be in contact with her.

"Yeah, I heard that Reagan is also back too"

"Yeah, she is. When are you leaving?"

"Tonight. I just... gosh Blythe I'm sorry and I should never have treated Jackson the way I did. I hope we can make amends"

"It's too late Juliard. Maybe one day I'll forgive you, but for now, I don't think so" he nods his head and stands up.

"Understandable. I hope we see each other again" I smile and nod my head. He waves and leaves the cafe. After a few minutes, I leave the cafe and see a familiar person standing on the other side of the road. I walk up to her and turn her around with force.

"How could you?" Ariana looks at me confused.


"How could you tell Juliard that I'm back in town?" I push her and she stumbles.

"Whoa, what the hell? I don't see a problem"

"Of course you wouldn't. Because you're a self centred bitch who doesn't care about anyone else but herself." Ariana's eyes go big but I don't stop there. "Do you know what, I've had enough of you. Because of you, Juliard may go ahead and tell the rest of them that I'm back and they'll most likely come back"

"What is the deal!?"

"The deal is I don't want to see their faces!" I yell in her face. "They killed him Ariana. It was their fault he died that night"

"It was yours!" I scoff and shake my head.

"You'd think that wouldn't you. You've always been jealous of me. Of what I had. Who I had." I smirk and look at her from head to toe. "He didn't want you. I mean, look at you. Why would he want you? You're nothing but a selfish little girl, who hates her life so she ruins everyone else's who are happy"

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