Chapter 2

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You walked up to your teacher and told her your situation and then she looked around the classroom for a place you can sit. She was looking really concentrated then when she found the perfect place she smiled and looked at you. "I'm about to give a end of unit test. So you can do whatever you want as long as it's quite. And you can sit next to Asuta Mimiko over there. Asuta wave." The teacher said out loud.

You turned your attention to a boy with light brown hair and green eyes. He was wearing a blue jacket with a white t-shirt on. You walked over and sat down. Everyone was talking to eachother whole the teacher was getting the tests ready. You felt a tap on your shoulder and saw Asuta sliding a piece of paper towards you. You looked at it and read it.



I'm Asuta Mimiko which you already knew. What your name?

Oh right sorry. Y/N L/N it's nice to meet you.


The teacher reached the two of you and then handed Asuta his test. He filled out the front and the waited for the teacher to start. You pulled out your phone and started to play a game. Around 15 minute later Asuta was watching you play the game. You didn't notice though. You so focussed on the game that you didn't even pay attention to your surroundings. You was almost to the end and you died. "Damnit." You whispered.

"You know you could have won if you went to the right a little." Asuta told you.

You held your phone towards him. You looked so pissed off with the game. He smiled and then took it. He started to play it and you watched. 15 minutes later he won the game and then passed it back to you. While the class was still finishing off their test. You hugged Asuta. "Thank you. I have been stuck on the level for ages. Freedom from that stupid level." You told him. He laughed a little and then nodded his head at you.

"Your welcome." He told you.

You smiled and then turned to the front. You then looked at your schedule and saw that you had Music/Drama next. You sighed and then tapped Asuta on his shoulder. "what's up?" He asked you. You showed him your schedule and he smiled. "Oh I have that. I'll walk with you." He told you. You smiled and then nodded your head at him. He sat back in your seat and looked at the board.

Sooner or later the bell rang and you waited for Asuta. The both of you laughed the whole way to the Music/Drama room. When you walked in you saw that the teacher never even turned up. Asuta dragged you to the seat and you saw another boy sat in front of you. He had dark brown hair and a green jacket on with a white top that showed his collar bone. "Y/N L/N. This is Ayato Kanize." Asuta told you.

You looked at the boy your E/C eyes met with his fiery orange/yellow eyes. You smiled at him and he smiled back. "Hi. Nice to meet to you." He told you. You nodded your head and then looked at the both of them.

"Does the teacher ever turn up?" You asked them.

They looked at each other and shocked there heads. "Nah. He doesn't turn up unless he doesn't have an excuse not to. But that's rare." You heard Ayato say. You sighed and then nodded your head. You pulled out your phone and saw a text from your boss.

Boss: Y/N I need you in work tonight. Ok?

You sighed and then texted your boss a ok. Well you have nothing else to do. So why not? You looked at your phone and then saw that it was Tuesday. You face planted the table and the two boys looked at you. "You ok?" You heard Asuta ask you. You lifted up your head and gave a weak smile.

"It's Tuesday."

They both seems a little confused and then nodded there heads. You felt like crying. Every Tuesday it was a dress up day in your café so that means you have to dress up as who ever your boss says. Well he likes to pick on you a lot. So it will probably be like a cat or anything that will embarrass you. You didn't bother telling the other two. Too much effort.

They looked at you and then sighed. The lesson was soon enough over with and it was soon enough lunch which means almost time to see what costume your boss picked out. You went with Asuta and Ayato. Then you saw Kirito sat down. He smiled when he saw Ayato and Asuta but it grew when he saw you. "Y/N. I see you already met Ayato and Asuta." Kirito said to you.

You smiled and nodded your head to him. All of a sudden there was boy that came running over to the table. He had black hair with white highlights at the bottom. He had a red tracksuit on and black headphones. "Why the rush Makoto?" Kirito asked him. He seemed out of breath but he sat down next to you. "Need food. Hate History." He said between breaths. He pulled out some food and started to eat. You looked at him in amazement. He was eating his food like it's the last meal he will ever have.

You took a bottle of water out of your bag and put it in front of him. He turned to you swallowed the food in his mouth and then smiled. "Thanks." He told you. He took a drink and then he was about to put another piece of food in his mouth before he stopped and turned to you. "Wait!....Who are you?" He asked you.

"My name is Y/N L/N it's nice to meet you...."

"Makoto Nabani."

"Nice to meet you Makoto Nabani." You told him.

He gave a small smile and then nodded his head at you. "likewise Y/N." He told you and continued to eat. You got up and looked at the others "I'm going to get some food." You told them. They nodded and then you walked away. You looked at the line and it wasn't that long. You went to line up and was behind a boy with brown hair. He was wearing a orange red-ish colour jacket and a blue button up t-shirt. He turned to you and smiled. 

"Hello I'm Luka Yoshiko. So you know Kirito, Asuta, Ayato and Makoto huh!?" He asked you.

"Yeah. And my name is Y/N L/N." You told him.

He looked at you and smiled. You saw that he was carrying a basketball with him. You smiled and he got food and so did you. You and Luka walked back to the table and you sat by Ayato and Makoto. All of a sudden you saw a red haired boy with pale green eyes walking towards your table. "Hey March! Just in time. This is Y/N L/N. Y/N this is March." Asuta told the both of you.

March sat down and looked at you. "Hello." He told you. You nodded your head with a smile. "March where is Shoto?" Kirito asked. March looked at him and sighed.

"Where do you think?" March told him.

All of them sighed, then you saw a pale blonde haired boy walking towards the table. He had golden eyes. And black leather jacket with a gray v top on. He like Kirito had a black collar around his neck. "This is bullshit." You heard him say. He pulled out a chair and sat down.

"What did you do?" March asked him.

"I didn't do anything asshole." The boy said.

"What you say to me!? I fucking dare you to say it again!" March said he was angry.

What the....?

Thanks for reading. Damn you met you all of them now. Congratulations.

Hope you enjoyed it, this one was a long one.

Bye for now

To be Continued!

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