Chapter 18

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Previously on Irrisistable;

"Hiya. Did you hear that today was our last day here because they are closing down?" He ask you.

You shook your head at him and then went to to talk to the manger about it, you wasn't far from the door to the office you only had a couple more steps to take.

But everything turned black.



Kirito's POV

As soon as we got to the house everyone was worried, Y/N didn't look well at all so maybe one of us should have convinced her that she couldn't go to work today. And what does she need to go to work anyway. As we got to the front door I opened it, but it was locked.

Is Y/N home?

I walked in and then saw this tall figure with brown hair, we saw the figure as we walked in closer. The figure turned around and I dropped everything that I was holding which was my bag since I was going to throw it somewhere in the room.

"H-How did you get in?" Asuta said.

"Oh!? Is that how treat someone that you haven't seen a while? That's not nice you know. And who's this little cutie?"

"Yandere-Kun!?" Ayato said his voice full of surprise.

(Alot of people put Yandere-Chan on there story. But Yandere-Kun needs love too. So here he is special guest!)

"It's nice to see you all. So are you going to answer my question? Who's this cuttie?" He asked again.

"That's Y/N." I said to him.

He looked back at the picture and then back at us. "Where is she now?" He asked us. We looked at him. I think all of us was upset with ourselves. But some (Shoto) of us didn't show it.

"At work." March said for us all.

"How come you all feel sad about that?" Yandere-Kun asked us, while moving to the couch.

"Because she didn't look well earlier. We tried to talk her out of it but she wouldn't listen." Makoto said to him.

"....And why did you let her go? If my sempai was ill I would make him stay at home. And it's easier to watch if that wench (Yandere-Chan) is anywhere near him." He told us.

We all looked at him and then sighed. He raised an eyebrow at us all. He turned to Shoto and saw that there was a little emotion on his eyes. "My, you've changed Shoto. You used to have no emotion at all. And now look at you. Is it because of this girl?" Yandere-Kun asked him.

Shoto looked at him, it was true Shoto had changed from that one night when he was outside fight with the air. Wow that sounds lonely. Anyway Shoto opened his mouth and then began to speak. "a little." He said.

"Ah, so this girl is something special to you all then. Right?" Yandere-Kun asked us.

"Yes." We all answered him.

He smirked as we all answered him, he looked at each and everyone of us. "Alrighty then. You better keep her safe. And do you know which one she likes the best?" He asked us.

We all looked at eachother, and then back at him, "no we don't know." Ayato told him.

"Well you need to find out. The person she likes the most should be the one that has her." He told us.

"What if she likes all of us the same?" Luka asked him.

He turned to him and then smirked and opened his mouth, "then you all share her." He told us.

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