Chapter 7

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Knock, knock

You, Makoto and Luka. Looked towards the door and saw Asuta there. "Food is ready guys." He told you all. You looked down and saw that you was here a little after 3:00 and it is now, 9:00 you have been doing the project for six hours. You eyes widened as you got up.

"Crap. It's late so I need to go home." You told them.

Was about to leave when Makoto stopped you. You turned to him and his eyes widened. He let go immediately and stood up. "We can't let you go home this late. We have a spare room you can stay in there." He told you.

You was a bit confused but then looked at him. "No I can't do that. I'll be in the way." You told them.

"No, and we insist." Luka told you.

You looked at them and saw that two of them was smiling. You about to ask if there were sure. But Asuta dragged you down the stairs. And by the table. The other boys was there except from March. You looked around and didn't see him. "Where is March?" You asked them. Ayato looked like he just realized that he wasn't there.

You looked at Ayato and he was walking up the stairs. "Oh yeah guys, Asuta already gave us a yes but Y/N will be staying with us for the night." Luka said.

"Everyone ok with that?" You asked them.

They all looked at you and nodded. Ayato came down and he was with March. March looked at you and he seemed a little happier to see that you was alright. "March you ok?" You heard Kirito ask.

"Yeah I'm ok. It was only a little one." He said.

Your mind flashed back to when the guys told you about his anger. He could get out of control and be very violent. He admitted a kill aroma around him he called it little!?

You shrugged it off and sat down. You was by Kirito and March. So starting from the right at the bottom. Kirito, You, March and Asuta. On the left starting from the bottom, Ayato, Makoto, Shoto and Luka. You all ate your food and then you thanked them. "No problem. Glad you like it." Asuta told you. You smiled and then nodded your head.

You got up and then walked over to Makoto and Luka. "Shall we continue the project." You asked them. They nodded their heads and then you all headed up stairs.

The three of you sat back where you was before the dinner was done and you got some more of the work done. You looked at Makoto and Luka and saw that they weren't even tiered. You was amazed since most people would be tiered of doing homework for almost 7 hours straight. But they seemed to enjoy it. Or maybe they are enjoying something else.

But what?

(I think you know! *Wiggles eyebrow*)

Once you finally finished the A2 presentation that you started you held it up for the boys and they smiled at it. It looked good. And it looked like you spent ages on it. Which you did. You looked at Luka and he got up and left the room. When you turned to Makoto you saw that he was playing a game on his computer. You was about to get up when you heard something.


It was his phone. The music sounded awful. He looked at his phone with disgust. He picked it up and then put the phone to his ear. "Hello?" He answered with. You continued to look at him for a good two minutes. Then he put down the phone in anger. You looked at him and you could see that by the pupil of the eye the colour turning red.

You shrugged it off thinking that you was imagining things. But was you?
Or was it real?

"Makoto?" You called out to him.

He snapped out of it and turned the whole way to you. You saw that his eyes went back to normal. The normal crystal blue eyes that you always see. I must have been imaging things! There is no way someone's eyes could turn red. Could they?

"Yes?" You heard him as you.

You looked at him with a worried look on your face. "Are you ok? What was that about?" You asked him. He sighed and then looked at you.

"It was my mother. I hate her so much." He told you.

Your eyes widened as he told you that. He hates his mother and there you were missing your mother, brother and father. "I-I loath her with a fiery passion." He told you. You could tell he wanted to cry. You walked up to him since he was on a chair and pulled him into a hug. His eyes widened and he hesitated to hug you back.

But he did.

You held him in your arms and he held you in his. Yours was more comforting and his felt more protective. "You don't have to tell me now. Ok?" You told him. He looked at you and then nodded his head. His eyes widened and then pushed you away from him. He looked scared? Your eyes widened as he pushed you away.

What the hell? It's like he's scared of being touched!

Makoto then realized what he just did and he looked at you. "I'm sorry Y/N. I just don't like to be touched." He told you. Your eyes widened but you nodded your head. You knew you was going to find out eventually but he doesn't have to rush.

"I understand. Don't worry." You told him. He looked at you and then smiled.

He got up off his chair and then walked by you. "I think it's time for you to go bed. Don't you?" He asked you. You looked at him and then nodded your head.

So Makoto walked you back to your room so you could know the way again. Once he showed you you smiled at him and then bowed a little. "Thank you Makoto." You said to him.

Makoto said something but you couldn't hear him. He was too quite. You looked at him with a confused look on your face. "What was that?" You asked him.

"Huh? Oh nothing." He told you.

You nodded and then walked into your room. You closed the door and then climbed into bed and fell asleep. (just remembered that I haven't even told you where it is. My apologies!) Your room was next to Makoto's and Shoto's room. Once you done what you needed to do and then went to bed.

Luckily you don't have school tomorrow.

And that's that for this chapter. Thanks for reading guys I hope you liked it.

Bye for now

To be Continued!

Irrisistable (Yandere Boys X Reader)Where stories live. Discover now