Chapter 26

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As you was being rushed away to hospital with Luka and Makoto there with you everyone else stayed and started to get the people who did this to you some payback.

Kirito's POV

"Me, Shoto and March will go this way the rest go that way and kill who ever gets in your way." I told them while pointing to each way.

They all nodded and we split up. There's no doubt that Y/N will be ok I know she will after all none of us will let her die. She's ours forever no matter if she doesn't want to.

As me, Shoto and March ran down the corridor something didn't seem right. It was too quite. No guards to be found no one was around.

"I have a bad feeling about this." We all heard March say.

I moved my towards him and nodded showing him I don't like it either. I turned my head to Shoto and what do know he doesn't care. Big surprise.

As we reach the end of the corridor we had to open some doors. The doors looked like metal like the ones you hide someone very dangerous behind them.

Shoto with no hesitation opened the two doors and walked on. To our surprise there was no one there. Only Ayato. My eyes widened as he stood there March and Shoto was surprised as well. We never expected to see him here. "did you find her?" He asked as he turned to all of us with blood over his face and some on his clothes too.

"Yes but we was a bit too late to get here. Makoto took her to the hospital." Shoto said to him.

He looked at all three of us and sighed. Seemed like he wasn't too happy with that answer. And frankly neither was we. We were too late to get here to help her from harm. But at least we got here to save her life.

As we looked around we saw no one that was still alive. And there was only one body here to begin with. We looked at Yandete-Kun as he looked at us with a smile.

"This person was know for brutally torturing people to death. Somewhat joy to seeing people scream and beg for there life. My guess is that they were planning on using him to end Y/N. And make you all feel destroyed and end you as well." He explained to us.

We were all calm but all of us felt anger to what he said. They was going to kill Y/N just to make it easy to kill us. All of them will pay I'll make sure it. They will all want to die by the time I'm finished.

I turned around and ran out the other two following me as we made a turn around the corner we saw another door. Shoto opened it but there was nothing there. Then I got a message from Asuta.

Asuta: hey Kirito. There's no one here. We checked everywhere but no one here.
Kirito: same here. Ayato killed a guy that they was going to use to kill Y/N.
Asuta: 😠 they were what?!

Well I'm pretty sure he's pissed off. Which I can't blame him.

Kirito: he's dead now so they can't do nothing.
Asuta: good. Wouldn't let them anyway. Where are you now? We'll come and meet you.
Kirito: Go back the way you went and go straight down. We'll be in front of the door that you will see.
Asuta: alright.

I put my phone away and looked at the others. "Asuta and the others will meet up with us shortly." I told them. They all nodded there heads and we went to go and meet them.

Makoto's POV

Y/N just went into surgery. They said it's serious and she could die. I don't want her to die though. I need to protect her. If I wasn't for my mother and father maybe I would have been normal and this wouldn't have happened.

I sat down thinking. I didn't even notice the doctor trying to get my attention. Once I finally noticed and I snapped out of my thoughts I looked at the doctor and stood up. "Is she alright? Will she be ok?" I asked in a sort of panic voice.

"She's not awake and her life could still be in danger however if you want to go and sit with her then you can." The doctor said. "do you know of any family we can contact for her?" They asked.

I shook my head. "Her family died when she was little. She lives with me and my friends." I explained.

"I see. So your her family. I'll give you updates when I have them."

I walked into her room while the doctors words kept repeating in my mind your her family. I guess you can count me as her family. I'll always be there for her no matter what. I sat down next too her bed and looked at her. I didn't touch her obviously so I just kept my eyes on her to make sure nothing is wrong.

"Y/N I'm so sorry this happened to you. I swear I won't ever let this happen again." I told her.

She probably can't hear me but at least I tried to comfort her. Right?

~A few days later~

Me, Kirito, Asuta, Shoto, March, Ayato and Luka was all stood around her bed. We promised not to make a noise so they let us all. Which we are all happy they did.

"Do you think she's gonna wake up?" Luka asked.

"They said she might not. But let's hope she does." Asuta answered.

We all looked at her body, all of us worried. Except Shoto he was looking out the window and not paying attention to this. But, I can still tell he's worried about her.

And then suddenly her hand twitched and eyes started to open.

"Quick get a doctor!"

I'm really really sorry it took so long to update.

I hope you enjoyed.

Bye for now

To be continued!

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