Chapter 5

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March looked at the both of you and smiled, he seemed really happy, there two other things you could see in his eyes. The one was jealousy and the other, you quite put your finger on it but you did know know what it was. "Well whatever we do we have to make it float....I mean work." March said. You turned to him and raised an eyebrow. "Sorry I looking at the word float over there." He told you. You heard Makoto laugh a little and then he held his hand.

(This might be a dark humour. If so sorry about that.)

March looked at him and rased an eyebrow. He then held on to Makoto's hand. "Jack don't let go!" He said in a sad yet kind of holding back a laugh. March looked at him and smirked.

"You can fight it rose. Don't give in to the water!" March said.

All three of you started to laugh. "March you those ain't the words right?" After you said that the two boys looked at you and then looked at each other and started to laugh again.

"Y/N dare you to find something more funnier than us." March told you.

You thought for a while and then pulled out your phone. You faced it to them and then started a video. "Your a wizard Harry"

"I ain't no wizard"

"You are a wizard Harry"

"I'm not a wizard I'm just Harry."

"Your the wizard Harry."

"I'm just Harry."

"Your a wizard Harry."

"I'm not a wizard you fat oaf."

Once the video stopped the two boys started to laugh and then you smiled at them. "Why not frozen where Elsa is singing on the mountain?" You asked them. Once they calmed down they looked at you and then smiled.

"Why? You want to sing?" (Makoto)

"No. I think March looks a bit like Elsa. And I'm sure he can sing." (Y/N)


"Don't worry March I'll let it go...." (Y/N)

"Ha-ha. You should be comedian." March told you sarcastically.

You smiled at him and then saw him turn his head away from you. "Ok....Why not do the scene of the Titanic where they were in the water?" You asked them. They looked at each other and what happened next should have been expected.



You started to laugh at them. They laughed as well and then went back to normal. When all three of you calmed down Makoto looked at the both of you and then smiled. But still a hint of jealousy in his eyes. "how about the scene from the book we are reading?" Makoto said.

"Oh what book are you reading?" You asked him.

"Inspector calls. Ok what one?" (March)

"Mrs Berlin, the inspector and shella have a conversation." (Makoto)

You looked at them and then nodded your head. It was decided you was going to do a part of the book you are all reading in class. The boys told you that they each got a book and you can share one with one of them. You smiled and then nodded your head.

~~Time skip to lunch~~

When you walking down the hallway on your own since you didn't have a class with either of them. Which was only one class so it was fine. You saw a big crowed. You walked over and saw Kirito there. You walked over to him and turned to him. You saw him smile and then you opened your mouth. "What's going on?" You asked him. He looked towards the crowd and then sighed.

"I tried to stop Shoto from getting into a fight but it didn't work." He told you.

Your eyes widened and you made your way through the crowd. You was ignoring the fact that Kirito was calling your name. You made it through the crowd and saw Shoto fighting a boy with dark brown hair. He had grey eyes. And he seemed to be popular. You couldn't stand there and do nothing even though Shoto was winning you couldn't let him keep this up. "Shoto!" You called out to him. He moved his eyes to you while dodging the attack of the other guy. He (Shoto) kicked the boy in the stomach and then he went down. Shoto made his way over to you and stood in front of you.

"What you doing here?" He asked him.

"Come Shoto let's get something to eat. You don't need to fight." You told him.

His eyes widened as you told that. He calmed down a bit and then nodded. "Aw. Is that your girlfriend?" The other boys asked. By now Kirito made his way through the crowd and saw that you managed to keep Shoto under control.


You looked at Shoto as he said those words his eyes carried sadness. You looked at him and smiled. "Thought not. A hottie like that wouldn't go out with a freak like you." He said.

"Max shut up." You heard Kirito say.

The boy you now know as Max looked at him. You saw that Shoto clenched his fists together and brought one up to his chest. You could tell that Shoto was ready to fight again. You wrapped his fist in your hands. He looked at you with wide eyes. "Shoto, Kirito. Let's go. He's not worth it." You told them both. Shoto looked at you with such soft eyes. You had never seen him looked at you like that before. Well....It is only the third day of knowing him.

You walked back to the table and sat down. You took out your food and then started to eat. "Where have you guys been?" Asuta asked all three of you.

"Y/N stopped Shoto from fighting." Kirito told everyone.

March made you turn to him so he can see any....Well I'm not to sure what he is looking for. "Guys she hasn't got any injuries." March told them. Ayato went up to Shoto and put a hand on his forehead to feel his temperature.

"Nah he's fine." Ayato said.

You was so confused right now. You looked at everyone and waited for them to explain what was going on. "You see Y/N. When Shoto gets into a fight it's best to let him fight. You get involved he hurts you. It's the same with March when he loses his temper." Luka told you. You nodded your head and then looked at the both of them.

You looked at Shoto and so did everyone else. Before they could even ask something the bell rang for next lesson. You was with Kirito. You had History. When walking he asked if him and Ayato could have a lift home and you told him yes. He smiled and then the lesson just draged on. He asked if he could have your number just in case and you gave it to him.

He gave you his as well. And then sooner or later it was time to go home.

Thanks guys!!

Hope you enjoyed.

Bye for now

To be Continued!

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