Chapter 14

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When you woke up you saw that it was raining. You walked into the bathroom and done what you needed to do and then you got ready for school. When you walked out of the bedroom you saw the boys had already woken up. All of them except from Shoto. He haven't come out of his room. You frowned and then walked onto the living room where you saw everyone else standing.

"Guys. Why ain't Shoto coming out of his room?" You asked them.

They all stopped what they were doing and then turned to look at you. They all done the exact same reaction and at the same time as well. You couldn't help but giggle at them. You them looked at them and waiting for their answer. "He doesn't come into school when we have a assembly." Asuta told you. You looked at him and then sighed.

"Why?" You asked them.

"Because Max and his group of dumb sheep always pushes too far and he snaps then punches them all the time. So he's not allowed." Ayato told you.

You looked at him and then nodded your head. You looked up at Shoto's room and then sighed as you looked down at the floor. "Don't worry. He'll be fine, he always is." Kirito told you while handing you your food.

You smiled while taking it from him. You nodded your head and then started to eat. I hope your right Kirito. If not then.... Don't worry Shoto we'll come straight back. Once you finished your food Shoto came down and looked at all of you.

"Morning Shoto!" The boys said to him.

"Yeah hi." He said back.

"Morning Shoto." You said to him.


He isn't a morning person is he!?

Once you and March washed up and put everything away. You walked to the door and then turned to Shoto was making food for himself. "Bye Shoto!" You shouted out to him.

All the boys seemed shocked at your actions, Shoto then turned to you with wide eyes. "Bye." He said to you. You smiled and then went through the door with the others.

You, Asuta and March was in your car, while Ayato, Kirito and Makoto was on Ayato's car going to school. When you got their you and everyone else went out of the car. You went to the school where you saw Max looking at you. All of a sudden someone bumped into you. You looked who it was and saw this orange haired boy with green eyes. "Oh. Sorry about that. I tripped." He told you.

When you saw this guy you recognised him from somewhere. Your eyes flashes over to Max and saw him grinning. That's when you remembered him. He's one of Max's friends. You looked at h and smiled. "It's fine. Be careful next time ok?" You asked him. He looked at you and then nodded.

Once you all got your mark for lesson the assembly began. The teachers looked so nervous about something. "Kirito! Why are the teacher's nervous?" You asked him. He looked at them and then smirked a bit.

"They can't see Shoto so they don't know if he's in or not." He told you.

You raised an eyebrow at him and then opened your mouth. "But he's not allowed in." You told him.

Kirito nodded his head at you and then looked at you. "True. But that didn't stop him one time. Once he found out that he weren't allowed in school when the assembly was on. He didn't listen and came in anyway. And then got suspended for a while." He told you.

You sighed and then looked to the front. You could see Max looking at you from the corner of your eyes. You didn't bother looking at him back. Then the teacher came onto the stage at the front and started to speak. "Good morning students. Today there will be a special guest. And they will talk about safety." The teacher told you.

Then a woman and a man came onto the stage and started to speak.

Meanwhile once Shoto was finished with his food he washed it and then put it away. All of a sudden a knock was heard. Shoto turned his head and walked to the door. When he answered it he saw....

"Mina? Saito?"

He saw a girl with brown shoulder length hair and yellow eyes. Next to her was a boy with ash blonde hair and orange eyes. "Hey big bro how have you been?" Mina asked him.

Shoto slammed the door in their faces.


He then heard some slamming on the door. "Come on Shoto! We only came to talk to you. Please let us in!" He heard his brothers voice. Shoto sighed and then walked to the door. He opened it and then let them inside. They sat down and looked at Shoto while he sat down.

"What do you want brats?" He said to them.

"First. Sorry about Izumi's action the other day." Saito told him.

"That was ages ago." He told them.

"Yeah we know that. But we only could find time now." Mina told him.

He looked at the both of them and then sighed. He saw Saito giving him a smirk and Shoto looked at him with blank stare but a raised eyebrow. "We heard their was a woman here as well." Saito said

"So?" Shoto asked them.

"Is she your girlfriend or the others?" Mina asked him.

"None. She's just friend. What's she got to do with anything?" Shoto asked them.

They looked at eachother and then looked back at him. They shooked their heads which told him that they were just curious. He sighed and then looked at them both. "Sho can I have a drink?" Saito asked him.

Shoto was about to say no....

But then he saw bruises on the both them and his eyes widened. "Fine. Mina you as well?" Shoto asked. She nodded her head and then Shoto got up.

And I'm going to stop there. Thank so much for reading. Hope you enjoyed it.

Bye for now

To be Continued!

Irrisistable (Yandere Boys X Reader)Where stories live. Discover now