Chapter 4

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Just thought you all should know that this picture has nothing to with the book except from the cover. I just love it so much that I used it for picture for every chapter. My friend got confused with it so she told me to tell you that it's not to do with the actual story. Ok enjoy~

You quickly made your way to your car, you passed the boys and they said hi to you but you didn't stop to talk to them. You rushed to your car and started to drive off. You didn't want anyone to see you. When you got to work you saw that Sosuke was already there and he looked like demon butler. Well this is a maid and butler café.

Your boss came out and then smiled. He dragged you into the back and then held out your costume. Your maid outfit was shorter and you had to wear cat ears and and tail. You also had to wear chains around your wrists and ankles and also neck. So basically you were a cat maid/slave. He also gave you contacts to wear.

You sighed and then walked out. Sosuke saw you and he starts to laugh. "Don't laugh." You told him. He stopped laughing and done his job. You gritted your teeth and then walked out to get some orders. When you was behind the counter making the food. You felt really embarrassed. Your normal revealing maid outfit was even more revealing. And you hated it!

You finished the order and then gave it the people. Then the door opened. You smiled and turned to the door. Your face dropped when you saw seven boys stranding there. When Shoto looked at you he blushed but busted out laughing. "guys! What you doing here?" You asked them. Your boss came out and you sighed in frustration. "Hello masters. Please follow me. A table for 7 then?" You asked him. Shoto laughed even more. Kirito nodded his head and then you nodded and showed them to a table.

You gave them all a menu and Shoto still hasn't stopped laughing. You glared at him and then he glared back. "I'll get some drinks shall I?" You asked them. They all looked at each other and the you walked away. You grabbed some drinks and then took them back to the table. "I told you not to come. So why?" You asked them. They all looked at you and then sighed.

"We were worried. You left so fast, we thought something happened." You heard Asuta say to you.


"What? Was we supposed to leave a friend?" You heard March say.

Your eyes widened as he said that. You hung your head down and then smiled. You bowed to them all but it was quick. "Thank you." You told them. "Now your orders?" You asked them. They all looked at you and then told you what they wanted. You smiled and noted down their orders. You could see your boss in corner of your eye. "Thank you. I will be right back with your orders masters!" You told them.

About 15 minutes later you came back with their orders and put them on the table. They all smiled at you well all except from Shoto. He just glared at you so you glared back. "Enjoy masters." You said while walking away. You walked passed Sosuke and he smiled at you. He looked over to the table and saw a couple of them glaring at the one boy. After they all finished with their food they got up and went to the counter.

They all saw you talking to Sosuke, they all glared at him. "Oh are you going?" You asked them. They nodded their heads at you and then you smiled. "Ok. Be safe going home. All of you." You told them. You saw that Shoto was a bit shocked that you included him as well since he brat to you just now. They waved to you and then left. You sighed. You was at work until late. And by late I mean 11. There was a lot of customers. And when it was finally time for you to go home you was tiered. You fine enough to drive.

As soon as you got to your house you locked the door and you had a letter reminding you about your rent. To be honest you were the perfect tenant. You always pairs the rent on time or even before the time. You was never late. You went straight up to your bedroom and then laird down on your bed. Your eyes closed immediately as soon as your face hit the pillow.

~~Time skip next day~~

When you woke up the sun was shining and the birds so care free. You got dressed and then went to school. You saw all the boys there and they were smiling at you. You walked up to them and then smiled at them all. You all split up, for the first lesson you was with March and Makoto. You had English first. You sighed and then walked in. You walked up to the teacher and told her that your a new student.

She nodded her head and told you to sit anywhere. You went up to March and sat down next to him. He smiled at you and then turned to the front. "Ok so you are all going to get into groups and rehears a scene from whatever film you want. It doesn't matter what one you pick but we all have to guess each others scenes. So it's a game and a performance." The teacher told you all. "And I will be putting you all in groups. Y/N, March and Makoto." She said. You smiled at the two boys and they smiled at you. But you could have sworn you seen them glaring at eachother.

You sighed and then looked at them both, the strangest thing is when you looked they weren't glaring. So was you imagining it?

"Y/N, you want to come over to work on the project later?" Makoto asked you.

You looked at him and then smiled. And nodded your head. "Makoto I'm over yours anyway for the PE project." You told him.

"Oh yeah!"

And that's that! I'm done. Haha!

Thanks again guys.

Bye for now

To be Continued!

Irrisistable (Yandere Boys X Reader)Where stories live. Discover now