Chapter 16

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Shoto's POV

After me and March had calmed down Saito went up to Y/N and took her hand. He made her look him in the eyes and he was going to kiss her. But I managed to stop him just in time.

"SAITO! WHAT THR HELL?" I shouted at him.

Y/N had her eyes widened and she looked at him. I hit him across the head and he glared at me. I glared back and then he backed down. "oh hey Y/N have Shoto told about what he did when...." I put my hand over his mouth and he stopped talking instantly. Again I glared at him and he gulped. He removed my hand and then left. Him and Mina left.

I was still glaring at the door that they left from. What I did....was wrong! And no one should ever know about it. But I'm sure she will know soon enough.

~~Time skip midnight~~

The moon was eliminating the sky as well as the stars. You got up and then walked down stairs. You was hungry so a midnight snack would do. I mean what's the harm?

When you got to the bottom of the stairs you saw the door open. Your eyes widened and you ran out. You heard some noises and followed the way. When you got to the back of the house which you have never been to. It was huge.

You heard some more noise so you moved closer. You saw someone in the dark doing side flips as they kick the air like they are practicing fighting someone. "Hello?" You called out. The person was in mid air and fell as soon as they heard your voice.

Your eyes widened and you ran over. "Oh my god are you ok?" You asked them.

As the moon shone brighter you could see the person. It was Shoto. He looked at you with his eyes widened. You see he wasn't wearing a shirt. You could see his 6 pack but right now didn't care. You just wanted to make sure he's ok. "Y/N!? What are you...."

"Answer the question! Are you ok?" You asked him again. He looked at you with a slight blush on his face.

"Y-Yeah I'm ok. Why are you hear?" He asked you.

You looked at him and then sighed with relief. "I saw the door open so I walked out thinking someone broke in. Heard a noise and then I followed it to here. Sorry if I scared you." You told him.

"Don't worry about it....can I get up or are you going to keep laying on me?" He asked you.

You looked at him and your face reddened and your eyes widened. "S-Sorry." You said while quickly getting off of him. He got up slowly and then looked at you.

"Shoto are you sure your ok? You seem.... Distant." You told him.

"Ha. That's one way of putting it. I guess it won't hurt telling you." He told you. You looked at him and then nodded your head. "You see when someone turns 8 years old in my family we have collars for our birthdays. When I got mine I was so happy. I felt like I was apart of the family I couldn't stop smiling." He told you.

Your eyes widened, you have never seen him experience any emotion except from anger so hearing that he used to have emotions is a shocking thing to hear. 

"But....a week after my birthday I had to fight. Fight my older brother fight my father, anyone who challenged me I had to fight. If I didn't I would get tied up and chained by the collar and get beaten. So one day I snapped. My uncle was the one that I had fight. This was like 6 mouth into that hell. Anyway my uncle challenged me I fought him. But him being defeated wasn't enough for him. He kept on and on about how pathetic I was and I didn't want to hear it anymore. So I kicked him and kicked him. Then I found a weapon in his pocket and stabbed him. Ever since then my emotions never even shows. And now I can't refuse a fight. That's when I came to live to live with the guys. There my best friends. And they helped me through it." Shoto said to you.

You looked at him abd then pulled him into a hug. "That's why I shocked when you told me I don't need to fight. Because I do." He told you.

"But you don't Shoto. Only fight for those who you care about. And don't fight because your challenged." You told him.

"If anyone hurts you I will hurt them."

"Thank you Shoto. Come on. You need sleep." You told him. The cold air blowing your H/C hair as you stood up. Shoto took off his jacket and then out it over you.

"Why did you come out just in a t-shirt and shorts. You realise it's TS freezing out here right?" Shoto asked you.

You smiled and then started to head back while dragging Shoto in with you.

~~Time skip next morning~~

When you woke up you didn't feel right. You could barely move and you felt freezing. There was a knock on your door then they opened it. "Y/N time to get up. School." You heard Shoto say.

"Shoto. I don't feel well." You told him.

You heard him sigh and then he walked over to you. He put his hand on your forehead and then sighed again. He picked you up bridle style and then took you downstairs. He laid you down on the couch and put the blanket over you. All the boys came rushing in and then looked at you.

"The idiot is ill. So I brought her down here so she can watch TV and eat and drink whenever. Plus it's comfier down here." Shoto said to them.

"One of us should stay here to make sure she's ok." You heard Asuta say.

"No, no. You guys go. I'll be fine. And if I need anything I'll text you." You told them.

"Promise?" You heard Kirito say to you.

"Promise!" You said happily.

Shoto came back with alot of food and drinks for you. Even some medicine. (When did become so helpful!?) And out them on the table which is a stretching distance away. "There now you won't have to move." Shoto told you. You smiled at him and then nodded. March brought your phone and charger down and put it by you.

"Thanks guys. Now go or you'll be late." Your told them.

They left after saying goodbye and then closed the door. You turned on the TV and justed watched something's on the TV. And ate, struggled to the bathroom when you needed one and then went back.

You happy at the fact the boys can be so open with you. And you can be so open with them. After about an eternity of watching things and eating and what not the boys finally came home.

(Play the video as soon as you finished saying what you say last before it. Ok!)

"How was school?" You asked them.

Shoto held up on of his fingers at you while he was searching for something on his phone. "Oh is that a video?" You asked him.

"Yep. It's about school." He told you.

"Oooo what is it?" You asked him.

"Oh haha very funny!"

"Ain't it." Shoto said coldly like normal.


Well heres a login chapter and one with a song for you all as an apology for not updating. Thanks for reading guys. See ya soon~

Bye for now

To be Continued!

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