Chapter 27

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"Quick get a doctor!" I shouted.

Shoto looked at Y/N and his eyes widened as he ran out "hey! She's waking up! We need a doctor!" Shoto shouted.

The doctor ran over and came in. He told us all to go out while he sorts out Y/N telling her what happened and all that.

Reader-Chan's POV

"Quick get a doctor!"

"Hey! She's waking up! We need a doctor!"

W-whos voices are they? Where am I?

What happened to me?

I feel pain...

"You must have loads of questions but right now can you tell me your name?" I heard a voice when I looked I saw a man standing there with a clipboard. He must be a doctor.

"Y/N L/N." I told him.

"That's great. Do you know why your here?" He asked.

I shook my head no. I couldn't remember why I was here.

"You were stabbed. Looks like you took a blow to the head as well. So you might have some memory loss because of that. You have been asleep for a four days. Is there anything you would like to know?"

I shook my head again. He explained everything to me. And told me I shouldn't be surprised if I could barely walk. Which is fine I can learn again.

"Alright then. I'll show the boys in they were worried about you and never left your side this whole time. They must care for you." The doctor said leaving.

I looked at the door and the boys walked in.

Nobody's POV

As all the boys walked in they had a smile on there faces to see you awake and alright. You smiled back at them and sat up on the bed. "your alright!" Kirito exclaimed happily.

You looked at him and smiled while nodding your head. "Yeah I'm great." You said back.

"Well there goes the peace and quiet." Shoto said.

You looked at him and tried to find out if he was joking or not but you couldn't tell. So you just rolled your eyes at him. All of the boys was worried at that since you would normally tell him to shut up. But they passed it off.

Asuta walked out and asked the doctor when you could go home. He went back to the room and started to speak. "Y/N you can come home if your ready too, or you can stay here for another day or two. It's up to you." He said to you.

You looked at him and then at all the boys they were all happy to hear that you can go home. You was a bit curious on something too. "I'll go home." You told them.

All of them smiled even Shoto had a small smile on his face. Luka went to sign the papers for you to go home and saying that your in goods hands that will take care of you and bring you back if needed.

Of course we all know they will.

You got into the car and they started to drive home. It was Ayato, Asuta, you and Shoto in the car the others took a taxi home. Shoto didn't stop looking at you the whole ride home.

You looked at him, "what?" You asked him.

"Nothing." He looked out the window.

You raised an eyebrow at him but then decide to shrug it off.

Once you arrived at the house you got out the car. Asuta got your bags out of the boot of the car (some of you might know it as the trunk we say boot over here.) And carried it in for you. He took it to your room and you followed him. Once he put it down and smiled at him. "Thank you." You said to him. He smiled and walked out.

You unpacked all your things they brought for you. You walked down stairs and saw Shoto standing there. Turning on the TV. You looked at him and since he wasn't looking at you, you thought he didn't know you was there but.... He did.

"What do you want?" He asked you.

You were shocked at the fact he knew you was there. But you didn't say anything about that. "nothing. What you going to watch?" You asked him.

"I don't know yet. I'm going to see what's on. Why? Want to watch it with me?" He asked.

You nodded with a smile on your face. As he sat down he tapped the spot next to him. You went over and sat down next to him as he was looking to see what was on. In the end he gave up and decided to put Netflix on.

While you both was watching that Luka came down and ran out the door. You raised an eyebrow at that. "He probably wants to practice and it's closing in two hours." Shoto said.

You nodded at what he said and continued to watch the TV with him. Once the show had finished you saw Asuta come down and start making food. So you decided to got have a shower. You got new clothes and a towel and went in. As you was about to wash your hair you saw a spider.


You  ran out screaming as you bumped into someone. "what the?" You looked up and saw Shoto. "What's wrong with you?" He looked down at you and noticed you don't have any clothes. Which made his face go a little red.

"S-spider!" You said.

(Thought I'd do a fear that is common to people I'm sorry if your scared of spiders!)

He looked at you as he took off his jacket and put over you and started to laugh. "Your scared of spiders, hahahaha!" He started to laugh.

"Don't laugh at me! Get it out!" You shouted.

"Hahahahahaha. Alright, alright hahaha." Shoto walked in the bathroom and saw the spider. He opened the window and let it go. He walked out laughing at you. You glared at him and finished your shower.

Once you was done you went to eat with everyone else. And then went to bed.

Well here's the next chapter guys!!

Now who ever sees this first can you tell me who I got to do I think it's

Makoto, Kirito and March but I'm not too sure. Can anyone remember?

I'll be working on the next part now and too lazy to go back through it since it will take a while.

So please tell me.

Thanks for reading.

Bye for now

To be continued!

Irrisistable (Yandere Boys X Reader)Where stories live. Discover now