Chapter 12

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Shoto's POV

As I got into Ayato's car all the boys kept on telling me that I should apologize to her for what I said. I just nodded my head at them. March is sat right next to me which was a bad idea since we always argue. It's not like we hate each other it's just that we care and we snap sometimes....most of the time we snap.

"Your so stupid. How could you say that to her?" March told me.

I didn't look at him and I didn't even open my mouth to speak. I just looked at the seat in front of me. In the car it was Ayato driving, Makoto in the passengers seat. Me behind Makoto. March next to me and then Asuta next to him. The others decides to walk.

"The only person who actually tries to get to know you and why did you say to her!?" March still continues to speak.

And I stayed quite. When we finally got home we opened the door and then saw that food was already made for us all. The other boys which was Kirito, Luka and Asuta was already there. They must have got a ride or something but they were shocked as well. We all walked into the living room and towards the table. We all sat down and started to eat our food.

Once we were done I made my way to Y/N's room. I stood outside the door and for some reason I couldn't go in. I couldn't face her. After what I said to her. How could I think she would forgive me?

I told her that I don't care about her. But I do, really I do. If I didn't I would have beaten her to a bloody pulp that day when she stopped me. But I didn't. I couldn't beat her up. Even though I was mean to her. She was still kind to me.

She told me that I don't have to fight. That's not the way I have been brought up.

But that's a story for another time. I knocked on the door, but I didn't get any answer from her. I continued to looked at the door and the I put my hand on the handle. I don't know wether I should go in or not. After a few minutes I opened the door and saw Y/N asleep.

She seemed like such an angel when she's sleeping. I closed the door and then walked over to her bed. I sat beside it and then looked at her. "I need it!" That's I could hear and I looked at Y/N my face went really red.

W-What did she need?

"I need that yummy cake in my mouth now!"

I sighed in relief and then looked at her. She was still asleep and I couldn't wake her up. I just can't. But....I have to. I put one of my hands on her shoulder and shook her. But she didn't wake up. I sighed and then lifted her up from her back. I sat down on her bed and then rested her head on my chest. "I am so sorry Y/N. I didn't mean what I said. If you can hear me I hope you can forgive me. I really do care if your with me or not. You helped me more times than anyone else have...." I paused a bit.

I looked down at her sleeping form and pulled her closer to me. "Do you know how much me and the other were worried since you didn't answer us?" I said to her.

"Probably a lot."

My eyes widened as I looked down at her. Her eyes wasn't on me but on one of her walls. Before I could let her go and get up she wrapped her arms around me and held me tight. "Y/N....I...."

"It's fine. I forgive you. I know you didn't mean it. And I know you care. You would call me otherwise." She said to me.

She was right. Even in class I called her. I wanted to make sure that she was safe and sound. I didn't want anyone to take her. I hate my biological family but I love my family. And she's apart of my family now.

She let go of me and then stood up. "Shoto. You know you don't need to fight everyone who wants to fight you. You can just say no." She told me. 

"No I can't." I told her.

"Why not?" She asked me.

I hung my head down. I didn't want to tell her. She doesn't need to know yet. "Fine. You don't have to tell me. But when you want to then I'll listen to you. Ok?" She said/asked me.

I lifted up my head at her and then nodded it. "Ok." I told her.

She smiled at me and then pulled me closer to her chest. The fact that I always fight people is part of the reason why I don't smile. What's the point?

After about a couple of minutes maybe about 10 minutes I left Y/N's room so she could have some sleep. I am glad of one thing though. She doesn't hate me anymore. She actually have forgiven me after what I said. And I was worrying for nothing.

Well I guess it's time for me to go to bed as well.

Thanks guys. Oh and sorry the fact that I have to not let you guys sleep that well in this story for about a week. I have to get all of their past in here and if I don't do it quickly then I might forget.

So I have to do it this way. I am sorry about that if you don't like it. Then sorry.

Bye for now

To be Continued!

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