Chapter 25

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Hey guys so Tuesday the 20th was March's birthday I only know that because my friend read this book and pointed it out so.... Happy birthday March I guess. Anyway hope your all ok....

This chapter is short so sorry!

*Dramatically says* And now the moment you all have been waiting for

*Smiles and says calmly* la story~

You heard commotion from the other side of the door. All of a sudden the door opened. It was Sato. He looked at you and saw that you was uncuffed. He looked at you with a glare but then looked at Kite.

Sato walked over and pushed Kite away. You was only uncuffed by one hand. But now you weren't even uncuffed. You glared at Sato and he glared back at you. "If looks could kill I would be dead." He said.

"Oh, at least your smart enough to know that." You shot back.

Sato looked at you and smacked you across the face. You didn't move you just let your hand hung down looking at the floor. All of a sudden the door opened and you saw high heel shoes. You instantly knew who it was. It was Claudia.

"Well, you two done a good job. She still alive but she's beaten up.  Very good. Well then the boys upstairs are handling her little friends. So I have a question for you." Claudia told you all and then asked you a question.

"And what's that?" You asked her in a cold voice.

"Will become my new experiment? My last one failed." She said to you.

"No thanks." You didn't hesitate.

She left the room in a hurry. Which confused you a bit then you saw a familiar black haired boy with purple eyes looking at you. His eyes widened as they met with yours and he smiled. "Y/N!" He exclaimed causing everyone to look at him.

(Know who it is? Just want to make sure you do remember the important boys)

You lifted up your head and looked at him with a smile. His smile dropped when he looked at your body. Most of your body was cut up. He moved his eyes towards Sato and got out his knife.

Your eyes widened as you saw him holding a knife and pointing it at Sato with no expression. You then looked at his clothes and saw some blood on them. You moved your eyes back up to his eyes but you could red on his face and some in his hair. Your eyes widened and then the rest of boys came. They had the same. It was hard to see it in March's hair but it was there.

Kite made his way out of the building though the window without the boys noticing and without you noticing. Sato got ready to beat the boys but Shoto came forwards and beat him into a bloody mess.

Shoto then got kicked off of him and back to the boys. Sato got out a knife and pointed it to your chest. You didn't lift up your head you kept your eyes on the blade. "Get away from her!" Luka shouted.

"A step further and she won't be anymore." Sato said to him.

They all stopped in there tracks and looked at you. "Y/N are you ok?" Makoto asked you.

You nodded your head not wanting to make a sound just in case it gives Sato the idea of running the blade through your body. They all looked at you with relieved looks on there faces. "What do you want?" Ayato asked him.

"You lot to leave." Sato answered him.

"Not going to happen." They all said.

"Tch fine."

Sato pushed the knife into your body. Your eyes widened as he made his way out of the building all the boys ran over to you. Kirito held you in there arms. And Makoto called for an ambulance.

That's all I can do for today guys. Sorry for keeping you all waiting and again I'm sorry that it's short. I will try and update the next chapter sometime soon. Hopefully anyway guys.

Bye for now

To be Continued!

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