Profile on the boys 3!

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First name: Shoto

Last name: Yamoki

DOB: 10 May


Likes: Unknown

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Likes: Unknown

Dislikes: People who pick a fight with him, family.

Favourite colour: Grey

Favourite Movie: Resident evil

Status: alive

Background: unknown

Facts: Shoto will fight anyone that will challenge him but he will not fight a girl without them going for the first move. Shoto will fight adults as well. (See why in story)

That's that for Shoto. Next is March!

First name: March

Last name: Yesto

DOB: 20 August


Likes: Unknown

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Likes: Unknown

Dislikes: Unknown

Favourite colour: Purple

Favourite movie: Nemo

Status: alive

Background: unknown

Facts: He can get angry very easily so you have to be careful with what you say around him. (See why in story)

Now Makoto. I hope your enjoying this story so far! I know I'm enjoying writing it.

First name: Makoto

Last name: Nabani

DOB: 21 November


Likes: music, family (Y/N and the boys)

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Likes: music, family (Y/N and the boys).

Dislikes: being touch

Favourite colour: Red (blood)

Favourite Movie: Impossible

Status: alive

Background: unknown

Facts: He hates to be touched by anyone no matter what. Not even if it's a tap or a hug he can't be touched. (See why in story!)

Thanks guys hope you enjoyed.

Oh and Makoto is my birthday. Lol! These people make me laugh!

Bye for now

To be Continued!

Irrisistable (Yandere Boys X Reader)Where stories live. Discover now