Chapter 10

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You heard a noise again when you checked it was 1:02 you sighed and got out of bed. And went down stairs. You saw Ayato outside on the door step. You looked at him and then sighed. You walked up to him and then sat down next to him. "what's wrong Ayato?" You asked him. He flinched at the sound of your voice.

He moved his head towards you. He looked at you and then gave a small smile on his face. " I was just remembering my past. And how much I hated myself." He told you. Your eyes widened as he said that. You would never expected Ayato to hate himself.

You put your hand over his shoulders and pulled him into a hug. He let his head rest on your head. "W-Why do you hate your self?" You asked him. He moved his eyes towards you and then sighed.

"I hate it when people are hiding what they really feel, except when it Asuta because I learned how to tell. So I can help. But with others they keep it to theirselves. I know what it's like." He said to you.

You looked at him with a worried look on your face. You saw that he was going to carry on but you didn't know wether or not to stop him from doing it or not. "When I was younger I gotten beaten up by people who were supposed to love me...." He paused for a bit and then you saw that Ayato was going to cry. He clenched his arm with his other hand.

You looked at the brown haired boy as he calmed down and continued to speak. "Every time I would say something none stop beating. Even if I asked for something, they would just say that I should be greatful with what I have...." Again he paused with what he was saying.

You looked at him and then sighed. He opened his mouth and then the words followed out again. "I told no one about it except from the guys. my step brother kept on beating me as well. So Asuta told me to live with him. I agreed." He told you.

"Ayato. If you ever need to talk then I'll be there for you." You told him.

He turned his head to you and then smiled at you. "Thank you Y/N." He said to you. You nodded and then looked at him. You was going to get up but he grabbed your wrist and pulled you into a hug. "I'll protect with my life if I have to Y/N." He told you. You smiled and then hugged him back.

"Thank you Ayato."

Once you said that you separated from the hug and you looked at him. "I'm here for you as well as everyone else. Ok?" You asked him.

He nodded his head at you. "Ok." He told you.

Sorry that this chapter was really short. I can't think of anything for this one. And I'm so sorry for not updating. I have to update now even if it's just this much. It's not fair to you if I don't. So here it is.

Thank you so much guys.

Bye for now

To be Continued!

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