Chapter 9

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Once you woke up all the memories from last night came flooding back into your mind.

"I will always be there for you. No matter what!"

Those words were echoing inside your mind over and over again. You smiled when Asuta said those things to you, you smiled at those words. You had someone with you no matter what you do or done someone will be there. You got up and then got dressed. You heard the door, "come in." You said.

The door opened and you saw Asuta standing there. He had a smile on his face but you could see pain in his eyes. You managed to smile at him and then he spoke. "I'm quitting drinking. Will you help me? And will you help me tell the others?" He asked you.

You looked at him and this time you had a genuine smile on your face. "Of cause I will." You told him. He smiled and then nodded his head.

You and Asuta made your way down the stairs where you saw Kirito, Ayato, Shoto, March, Makoto and Luka all in the living room. You smiled at them all and then got their attention. "Guys. Asuta wants to tell you something." You told them all. They all looked at you and him.

"What's is it?" Kirito asked you.

You nudged Asuta and he nodded his head at you. He looked at the others and then gulped. "I-I want to quit drinking. Will you guys help me?" He asked them all.

You looked at them all and saw that all of them was smiling and they nodded their heads. They gave Asuta a hug and then broke off. "Yeah of we will." Ayato told them.

"Oh and Y/N. I know this is short notice but would you mind living with us?" Asuta asked you.

Your eyes widened as you heard that. You looked at him with a confused look on his face. "why?" You asked him. All the boys thought it was a good idea as well. You looked at all of them and since they kept on telling you to say yes you gave in and told them all yes. They all smiled well....All except from Shoto.

Since he never smiles.

"I'll have to get my stuff." You told them all.

They all nodded their heads and then they told you that they will help you pack. So you, Kirito, Makoto and Shoto was in your car. Then Asuta, Ayato and Luka was in Ayato's car. You drove off to your apartment and then told your landlady that you will be moving out today.

"Oh well. Bye Y/N. You were the only tentant that actually gave me the money on time. I'll miss you lots." She told you.

You nodded your head at her and then went to your apartment. Where you told the boys to start packing your things. You went to do your bedroom since you didn't feel comfortable letting any of them do it. Once you were done you told them to put the boxes in your car. They nodded and your car was filled with boxes.... Well the boot was. "We can put the TV on the living room right?" You asked the guys. They looked at the TV and their jaws dropped when they saw how big it was.

"Um....Yep we sure can." You heard Luka say to you.

"It would be perfect since the TV broke last night." You heard Shoto say.

"What how did it break?" (March)

"I don't know do I idiot. It just exploded when I was watching something." (Shoto)

"I dare you to say that again you fighting freak." (March)

"It's hard to believe that they are friends." You mumbled to everyone else while those two was fighting.

They all laughed at what you said. You watched as the two was fighting each other. "Oh Y/N are you leaving?" You heard someone say. You turned around and saw a young woman with her kid. The kid ran up to you and hugged you.

"Prez don't leave N/N." The kid said.

You crouched down to the kids heights and out your hand on his head. "Don't worry Nagisa. I'll come back to visit you one day if I have time." You told him. He nodded his head and then started to look at the two boys that was fighting with eachother.

"Oh my. Are you going to live with these boys?" The young woman also known as Painten said to you.

You turned to her and nodded your head. "Yep these are my friends." You told her.

She walked up to them and stopped the two boys from fighting. They all looked at her with suspicious eyes. "Please take good care of her. She's a great girl." She told them all. There suspicious expression was replaced by smiles except form Shoto. "Of cause ma'am." Kirito told her.

Painten smiled at them all and then watched you leave.

~~Time skip brought to you by our lovable boy Kirito~~

When you finally made it to your new home you took some boxes and took them up you got new room. You then went back down stairs. Some boys was helping you and four boys was putting the new TV up. Those boys were Shoto, Luka, Ayato and March. The others so Makoto, Asuta and Kirito was helping you with the boxes.

Once you had every box in your new room you started to unpack and put things in its place. You left our your Xbox and Play stations. Game cube Wii. You put your switch and 3Ds on a shelf. Along with the games.

You put your stuffed black dragon your desk. As well as your laptop. Once you put everything in its place the boys came in. They were amazed that you put everything away in a short amount of time.

You smiled at your work and then turned to them.

They told you food was ready and then you ate. After that you went to bed.

And done!

Yeah another one done. How you are all enjoying this.


Bye for now

To be Continued!

Irrisistable (Yandere Boys X Reader)Where stories live. Discover now