Chapter 23

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Luka's POV

As Makoto explained to him what happened on that day with his mother, Yandere-Kun (I'm going to call him that because it will be confusing for me.) Looked at all of us and then sighed. "This girl is special to you all right?" Yandere-Kun asked us.

"Yes." We all answered him.

He nodded his head and then looked at each and every one of us. I got up and then turned to everyone else. "I'm going to make food. Anyone wants some?" I asked them. All of them put there hands up.

That sight reminds me of the first day we met Yandere-Kun.

~~Flash back~~

Nobody's POV

As all of them sat down after helping Luka with putting his stuff away. Kirito switched the TV on and then started to watch it. All of the boys joined him. All of them started to talk to eachother as they got to know eachother.

After all bonds don't just happen by looking at people. They have to be made.

All of a sudden there was someone knocking on the door. Ayato stood up and then answered it. There he saw a tall boy and walked in. He made Ayato close the door and then he made his way to the living room. "Sorry to interrupt you all. But could I hide here for a little bit." He said.

All of them looked at him and they saw that he was covered in blood. All of there eyes widened as they saw that. "What happened?" Luka asked him.

He looked down and saw that he was covered in blood. He then held up his knife and smirked. "what do you think?" He asked them all.

"You should really change your clothes. While your at it you should wash that knife." Kirito said to him.

His smirk only grew at them all. He didn't expect this not in the slightest. But he was happy that he met them. "I'm Ayato. But you guys can call me Yandere-Kun." He said to them all.








"It's a pleasure." Yandere-Kun said to them.

All of them looked at him and then nodded there head.

~~End if flash back~~

Ever since that day he helped us out with everything. We needed help he was there. Most of the people that made fun of us in past are dead.

And frankly we enjoyed doing it. So that's why we promised to keep Y/N safe.

~~Time skip~~

March's POV

"It's been two hours where's your little friend?" Yandere-Kun asked us all.

My eyes widened as I heard him say that. And it wasn't just me. We all had a shocked expression. I pulled out my phone and clicked Y/N ID. I pressed call and it started to ring. There was no answer so I tried again. And again and again. Finally I got through. "Hello. March!?"

"Y/N! Y/N where are you!?"

"March please you....hello?"

My eyes widened as a different voice appeared at the end. "Who the hell is this?" I asked in a harsh tone.

"Oh~ you must be the little bitches friend....or boyfriend~?"

My face went red as I heard the person say that. I knew I wasn't but....what if I was....No March now is not the time!

"Answer my question who is this!?"

"Now, now. Don't worry I'll give her back to you. Giving her back with a pulse is a different issue however."

"You better not touch her. I'll kill you you bastard!"

I looked at everyone else and they gestured for me to put it on speaker. So I did. We all heard the voice and I think he knew I did put it on speaker.

"Haha. Oh well~ guess I'm going to have to die. She's already a bloody mess."

My I could feel my anger getting worse. All of the boys looked at me with wide eyes. I looked at them and I saw Makoto's eyes turning from a clear blue to a blood red. Shoto wasn't better either. I could see that he was getting angrier and angrier and wanting to kill someone.

He'll all of them wanted to kill him.

"You bastard." I managed to say.

"Oh don't worry~ she has a pulse!....for now at least~"

"Get away from her!" Kirito shouted.


No answer!?

Why isn't he answering!?

"Oh sorry about that making sure she isn't dead. And I got good news and bad news. Which one first?"

"Bad." Shoto said with no emotion in his voice.

"Ok, bad news is I think I lost my phone. Good news is that she's still alive."

I think all of us have a blank expression to my phone. I sighed and then spoke. "First check by your ear for your phone...."

"Oh....I found it."


"Jeez calm the shit down. I'm at (random address) well I'll see you guys later~"

My eyes twitched at that guy. Like seriously what the hell!?

We all looked at each other and then nodded our heads. "I'll see you all later then. Bye." Yandere-Kun said to us.

We all nodded our heads and then went to find Y/N.

If she really is beaten up badly I think we all are going to make sure the person who done it is dead.

Thanks for reading guys. Hope you enjoyed it. And I know I did. Thanks alot everyone.

Anyone want to guess who done this?
I bet you won't expect who it is!
But I do want to know who you think it is so comment your opinion!


Bye for now

To be Continued!

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