Chapter 20

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A couple of minutes later you felt better after Makoto gave you Gave you some soup. (I don't like that. Anyone else?) You got up and then walked out of your room. You saw that Makoto was watching TV. As you moved closer he didn't notice you walking to him.

Once you got close enough to him, you saw instead of all a light blue in his eyes some of it was gray. You walked closer to him. "Makoto!" You said with a happy voice. He turned to you and you saw his eyes a clear blue.

Was I imagining that?
No I don't think I was I remember something like this happen before. But what is it?

All of a sudden the doorbell rang. Makoto got up and then opened the door. His eyes widened as he saw the person at the door. He backed away a little bit and then closed the door. "Makoto?" You said to him with worry laced in your voice.

"Don't worry. And what ever you do don't answer the door." Makoto said to you in a cold tone. Then he realised someone and continued to talk. "Why are you out of bed anyway you should be resting?" He asked you with worry filling in his voice.

"Not to worry thanks to you I'm all better. Thanks Makoto." You chirped.

He looked at you with a blush on his face. He then nodded his head while he was picking up his phone.

March's POV

Me and all the boys had the same class again. Because out teacher isn't in. So we had to go into the same class which is fine. At least we are at the same place and don't have to wait for each other. All of a sudden I had a text from someone. It was Makoto.

Makoto: Tell the boys that you will have to go around the back.
March: ok, why?
Makoto: my mother is here.

My eyes widened as I read the text from him. I turned to the boys and then started to whisper to them. "Guys when we go home we have to be around the back." I told them.

"Why?" Shoto asked me.

"Because Makoto's mother is there." I said to all of them.

All of there eyes widened. I looked at my phone and then started to text him back.

March: alright. I told them.
Makoto: thanks. Oh and tell them that Y/N is ok now.
March: you sure?
Makoto: trust me she's back to her normal self.
March: you gave her your soup?
Makoto: yeah.
March: no wonder then.

"Guys Y/N is fine now as well." I said to them.

"Already?" Asuta asked me.

"Yeah she had Makoto's soup." I said to them.

"Oh, yeah he has the magic touch with that. It's weird but it works." Ayato said. All of us nodded at him.

March: ok I told them.
Makoto: thanks.
March: Makoto please be careful with her there. And Y/N. Make sure nothing happens to her.
Makoto don't worry I am. Y/N's watching TV right now.
March: good. Alright see ya later.
Makoto: yeah ok. Bye.

I hope they both will be ok. If she lays a finger on either one of them I will end her my self.

Nobody's POV

Makoto joins you on the couch. The doorbell was still going. You looked at him and then sighed. You knew that he didn't want you to answer the door but it's annoying. And you want it to stop. And you can tell that he does as well.

He quickly got up and then opened the door, his eyes met his mother's eyes and then he started to speak. "what the hell do you want?" He shouted a bit. You looked at him with a bit shock but it was mostly worry.

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