Chapter 19

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Nobody's POV

Once you woke up you didn't feel like you was better. You got up and then walked to the door. You felt like you was going collapse but you managed to get down to the last last step. And then you fell. You hit someone's chest.

You closed your eyes as you felt arms wrap around your body. You opened your eyes and that's when you saw March holding you in his arms. "Why are you out of bed? Your not well." March said to you.

"I-I'm alright. I need a drink." You said to him.

He looked at you with worry and then you heard the stairs creek. You moved your eyes and you saw Shoto looking at you with eyes wide. And then moved as fast as he could over to you. "Y/N. You shouldn't be out of bed yet your not well." Shoto said to you with a cold tone of voice but you could tell that he was worried.

Shoto took you out of March's hold which March glared at Shoto. "March get her a a drink. She's not aloud out of bed." Shoto told March in an emotionless tone.

"S-Shoto I'm F-Fine. Really I a-am." You managed to say. Shoto looked at you as he put you onto your bed.

He looked at you with soft eyes but the other features looked emotionless. "Your not fine. Your ill. How about we keep one person here to take care of you?" He asked you.

"No! You all need to be there. Don't worry about me." You told him.

March came in and then put your drink down on the little draw besides your bed and then looked at you with worry plastered on his face. "Makoto got a free all day. Why not let him stay here and take care of her?" March said to the both of you. It sounded like that was painful to say.


And even though he had emotionless face and eyes. It sounded even more painful to say. You looked at the both of them and then sighed. You turned your head to the wall not to face them. There faces was priceless and really funny.

They sighed and then the both of them left the room. A couple of minutes later Makoto came rushing into your room. His face showed nothing but worry. You looked at him and then laughed a little bit. "w-wha! I didn't do anything yet! Why are you laughing?" He asked you. You laughed even more.

"Makoto, your really funny." You told him.

He was confused but he sighed and put a smile on his face. "ok, whatever. If you need anything just call." He told you. You nodded your head at him and then he left. You heard faint mummers from the door and then a door closing.

All of them already went to school.

You turned your head and then saw a bright beam of light coming through your window, you got up and then walked over to the window. Your door opened and then Makoto walked in. You looked at him and his eyes widened at the sight of you out of bed and by the window.

"Y/N! Your suppost to stay in bed." He told you.

You sighed at him and then rolled your eyes as you made your way to the bed. You laid down and then looked at him with a glare. You saw that he was holding something. You sat up and then looked at him. You saw that he was holding a tray with your breakfast on it. "I made it for you because you still need to eat. To get your strength back up." He told you.

You looked at him and then smiled. As you saw that he wanted to actually take care of you and get you better.

I am so sorry that it was short but I had this draft for ages and I thought I better publish it before wattpad decides to delete what I have done.

Thanks for reading anyway guys.

Bye for now

To be Continued!

Irrisistable (Yandere Boys X Reader)Where stories live. Discover now