{1} Starry Sky Academy

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"First day of school..." Jade whispered to herself.

"I wonder if this term will be different."

* Vrrrrrrr! Vrrrrr!*

"Oh it's my phone I wonder who it is."


"Heya Jade! its us Amethyst and Autumn."

"Oh hey whats up?"

"We're outside your house waiting for you. Jade can you hurry up a little?!?!" Autumn says shouting angrily.

"Sorry Jade! Autumn is all grumpy again because she didn't get her breakfast." Amethyst intercepts.

"Okay okay! i'm coming down now, tell Autumn to calm down."

"Okay see ya." Said Amethyst.

"Bye mom i'm off to school and i might be back tomorrow because, the first day in Starry Sky Academy means we have to sleep over for one whole day to get familiar with things." Jade explained.

"Okay Jade have fun!" Her mom said while cleaning the kitchen.

While Amethyst was trying to calm Autumn down by telling her that she will have her breakfast soon, Victoria came and when she heard that Autumn was being all crazy because she didn't get to eat breakfast she suggested we eat breakfast at Starbucks since its close to our academy.

" Hey guys!" Jade said.

"It took you long enough Jade! jeez can we just go I'm freakin hungry right now, oh by the way Jade did you make the cookies you said you were going to bring?" Autumn asked.

"Yeah, but im only giving you one since you were rushing me this morning!"

"Awh no fair Jade!"

"Is everyone ready for our Lock Down tonight??" Victoria asked.

"Yeah! i can't wait it'll be awesome! we might even see some ghosts!" Amethyst said in excitement.

" Amethyst are you kidding me? your excited because of ghosts? well m kinda scared but as long as you guys are there with me I'm fine." Autumn said

"I'm looking forward to it i guess..." Jade said.

"Well i for one is okay with it and I'm not going to get scared like you Autumn!!" Victoria said as if teasing autumn ever so slightly.

Suddenly a faint voice sounded as like someone was telling us to wait... it got louder and louder.

" Hey guys wait for me!"

"oh no!! its Britt! Run guys run!!" Autumn shouted.

Britt is short for Britney. Britney was one of our friends until she moved schools which is like 2 blocks away from our school. She is still our friend its just she can be a little over the top. In our old school Britney got Autumn to ask someone out for her... can you guess how that turned out? over all shes still our friend even though it doesn't seem like it she is. In short shes really girly, enthusiastic, and likes Onyx alot !

As for us! well we are ... Us! in our group there are 5 people. Amethyst, Jade, Autumn, Victoria, and Destiny. We are what you call best friends even though we have our arguments we always find a way to solve it!

AMETHYST is book smart and can figure situations our really quickly, she also has alot of interest in Korean culture which includes K-pop bands/boys. Overall shes a friend you can talk to whenever you have a problem.

Now AUTUMN is ... wow... shes really out going as a person and speaks whatever is in her mind.

When she doesn't like anything she doesn't have a problem with telling anyone at all even though it hurts their feelings. That's why Victoria and her get into argument easily, But don't mistaken her as a bad girl shes actually very caring and will do anything for her friends.

VICTORIA is what we call a normal person, she likes to state facts as they are if she hears anything wrong she will immediately correct you. Her parents own a restaurant so all of us usually hang there and we have a blast, she has some anger issues when it comes to autumn but in the end they always crack up in laughter.

DESTINY is the innocent one in our group! she does nothing wrong and is one of my very best friends. She likes cute things and laughs easily at what anything Autumn says.

ME well for now people describe me as really smart! even though I'm quiet at times I'm really listening to everything around me. My friends say that I'm really nice and creative. So now that some of the introductions are over let's get back to walking.

"Thanks for dropping me at my school guys love ya!!" Britney exclaimed.

"Bye!" everyone replied back.

" Now That Britney's gone, let's go get Autumn's breakfast before she dies o.o" Amethyst said while looking at Autumn which looked a little pale holding her tummy.



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