Chapter 1

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Light shined on Tusna's lovely fluffy brown hair as he slept through the afternoon. His small frame hidden in a pile of flowers. Wind blow through the field in a harsh manner waking the sleeping boy from his slumber. Tired light brown eyes slowly open as he awoke stray tears in his eyes. A sigh escaped his lips as he got up ready to go back with the flowers he had collected before his nap. Walking out of the field he shot a glance to the forest which boarded the field. Usually the task of collecting herbs and flowers were left to the girls while the guys would do manual labor. Since a month ago any girl that went near the forest would disappear never to be seen again.

Tsuna began down the path to the town as he held the flowers in an anguished manner. Tomorrow was the summer Festival in which they would all gather and celebrate and send a tribute to the land of the forgotten a strange portal which was at the center of town. Every year they would send an eighteen year old to the portal and every year the person would be forgotten no one could remember just who had been sent away all that was known was they had sent someone. Tomorrow was the day the would send someone else off, he was in charge of gathering the flowers to decorate the tribute.

In all truth Tsuna was scared for he could feel the hate of the people around him as he was the town's head son he was not on the list of possible sacrifices. The towns people were all constantly arguing about it. They believe that since his father was acting in plain favoritism he should no longer lead the town. Tsuna was the only one that knew that his father hated him and at the tribute tomorrow he would be the one sent. He guessed it was the plan all along, his father had been constantly asking him to do things. Such as buy large amount of value things with the towns money and hid it away. Since everything about a person would be forgotten after they were sent he guessed that the towns people would forget all the things he had done. The only one benefiting would be his father and although he was sure about what would happen he was at a loss for what to do.

Once he arrived at town he droped off the flowers and went home tomorrow he would know what would happen and in the end there was nothing he could do to change it.


*Crunch* *Crack* a lager dark black shadow ate the body of a women in a cave hidden in the woods. The cave had a disgusting smell of iron and decay the strange monsters body became solid and them disappear as it continued to eat it last victim. The shadow demon finished it's last meal and let out a happy grumble. His power grew slightly after his meal, low and melancholy voice began to hum as from the shadow as it began to leave the cave. The shadow began to move through out the forest as it voice disappeared. The shadow found not a soul as it looked through the forest and began to leave the forest in search for it's next victim. Or a contract to increase his power but, with his high standereds it was hard to find someone to contract with. The shadow found its way into a town as it noticed many beings going around once it noticed a few priest walking around he began to be more careful as to not be found.

After searching the shadow notice the portal at the center of town as it slowly went to get closer it found guards patrolling the square the shadow hid in the bag on the platform as it waited for a chance to go in. The portal seemed to be connected to a higher realm were it might regain it strength he would not let the chance go. After being sent to the current realm after being tricked by his so called friend Lucy. He had lost most of his power's leaving him in a weakened form not even being able to take his real form to other demons he would just look like weak lower demon. He would need to make a contract with someone to grow his powers but in the current realm the amount of people who were strong enough to form a contract were rare he was having a hard time finding someone sutible to form a contract with. He noticed a barrier around the portal which would open in a few hours so it decided to wait for a chance to go in. With his current strength he could go thru the barrier but it would use up to much power and would alert the priest. Forming a contract would give him more power but eating people would be able to sustain him for a while and improve his power a tiny bit.

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