Chapter 10

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They went upstairs once they were done with their meal and laid in bed Tsuna had been much sleepier than he thought as soon as he laid on the corner close to the wall on the bed he began to drift of. Reborn laid in the middle and Enma in the side. When Reborn woke up he was being held by both Enma and Tsuna. It surprised him that he had not noticed when they had gotten so close usually he would have woken up instantly. Feeling weird he got out of the pile but Tsuna and Enma got closer and were hugging. He noticed a faint aura coming from them peaceful and as if that was how it was meant to be. Upon noticing that Reborn checked their flames. Sky and Earth. Reborn smirked he had wondered why Tsuna had noticed him the were automatically attracted to each other. He had been encompassed in their world and lost track of the outside world. It was rare when a sky and an earth met but when the meet they would stick to each other without a second though. They would become codependent on each other but would improve together. The only down side was if one died the other no matter where in the world they were would know and stop at nothing to get revenge. They would slowly lose their mind and become more and more erratic until they were reunited. Some would go from killing themselves to looking for the other soul and trapping it keeping both of them together. No one knew if both souls were separated from each other they would begin killing those who possessed their souls and if it was family that kept them they would not hurt them. Unknown to Reborn two rings glowed as they were close one was Tsuna's family ring and the other Enma's. Inside the rings two long dead spirits rejoiced at after many centuries they had finally found each other again.

Reborn changed and kicked both boys off the bed. Forcing them to run around town. Enma quickly found himself getting closer to Tsuna, Reborn felt happy Enma and Tsuna who were happily together had not noticed that others looked at them. Many people had not found a team and while they (Tsuna and Enma) were off in their own world Reborn found seven others. On the day of the trial Reborn kicked them to the ground.

"DameTsuna, Loser Enma. Did you forget we needed to find others to join us?" Reborn said both Tsuna and Enma began to panic realizing they did not get a team. "Luckily for us I found us some people, or we would be in trouble." Both relished a breath they had been holding and thank Reborn.

Reborn was awear he had things he needs to work out before he could be with Tsuna. If he did not get his power back, he would be targeted and so would Tsuna. Lucy was not an easy person to defeat and was very cunning. Until that was over Reborn didn't want to put Tsuna in that position. The people he had gotten to join them were part of the top 10 and he had beat them down to get them to join he had made it clear that if they didn't follow along they would be killed.

They meet at the doors and began to introduce themselves to their teammates. Crossing the doors, they were brought to an island with only the ten ofthem a voice coming from the sky sounded it was the demon.

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