Chapter 2

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As Tsuna's luck would have it his father came into his room the next morning. "Tsuna my son there comes a time in which you'll have to do something for the good of the town. I have decided that you'll be the one to go today so get ready although we have pack you some necessity's since you are my son I will hand you our family's ring. It has been handed down from generation to generation, so it will protect you in your journey." His father handed him the old ring. It was made from an unknown material, it said to hold the soul of their ancestor. The only truly magical thing Tsuna had ever seen from the ring was once his father had tried to sell it, but the ring seemed to curse anyone who wasn't family causing the ring to be returned and his father had to pay for the funerals which caused him to see the ring as useless item. He doubted his father intentions when he gave him the ring.

After his father left he began to get ready for the inevitable there was no one who would help him and there was nowhere to go. He opened his closet and moved some boxes taking out a small wooden box his mother had given him when he was younger before she died. Inside the box was a ring in the shape of a cat's head. Grabbing both rings, he put them in his pants pocket, he went on like usual and went to the square where everyone was present. His father along with several of the town officials began the customary story of why they did the tribute. Once his father finish he motioned for him to come, as he walks out of the crowd he heard gasping from the people present.

"Now that it has come for us to once again give one of our own to ensure the lives of the town our tribute will go forward and enter the portal." His father said as he motioned for him to grab the bag and go. He was in the mist of go thru the ritual when a shout came from the crowd.

"Wait!" said Kyoko as she rushed to the stage. "I'll Go as well." More Gasping was heard for the crowd.

"Miss Kyoko do you really wish to go you should know that those who go thru may never return." Said Tsuna's father.

"Of course, I'm aware but I'm not the only one that is going. The others should be here soon so please wait until they arrive to send us off." Kyoko said as she held a strange stone in her hands. "I'm rather surprised that you, Tsuna would volunteer to go since we will go together let work." She said giving him a bright smile. Tsuna said nothing but only gave her a short nod. On the inside he felt he would be forced to agree even if he didn't want to.

After a few minutes of waiting a group of four people with one girl and three boys. They were the most well liked of the towns people. "We're here Kyoko... is Tsuna going as well." asked Sid he was the strongest guy in town other than Tsuna's dad. Next to him was Hana she was the smartest girl in their age group and sadly Kyokos friend. It really made him wonder how someone as smart as her couldn't she what a complete lunatic Kyoko really was. "So, we have to go with him? Fine but if he slows us down were ditching him." Said Jonathan he never really like him since he was his father's son and the constantly fought over nothing. Saying they would fight was wrong it was more Johnathan would yell at him and he would ignore him. "We won't protect you. So, don't think will hold your hand the whole way thru." Said James he was the type of guy who would pick a fight with anyone for no reason at all.

"D-don't mind me just pretend I don't exist I won't bother you guys. I'll leave when I figure out what going on." Said Tsuna

"What are talking about we must stick together its safer that way." Said Kyoko with an upset look. Tsuna ignored her and walk thru the portal once he noticed it was open. He would not allow himself to be used by her.  As he stepped in a voice came from his bag making him stop.

"Chaos, DameTsuna you don't seem to like them. How about we do each other a little favor (This kid has a lot of flame if we form a contract it'll take a few months to regain half of my power)." Said the voice Tsuna spun around trying to find the voice but found that he was in a small room with black walls there was the portal behind him and a door in front of him.

"Hiee...Um... (I'm going crazy great not even an hour and I'm insane.)" heaving a sigh. He was unnerved and a little scared he thought he would be doomed. Tsuna began to walk to the door as he was about to reach the door he heard Kyoko's group.

"Will you wait for a second." Kyoko said. Tsuna watched them walk to where he was as the voice he had just heard whispered.

"I can get rid of them for you if sign a contract with me you don't have to decide now but be quick I'll give you a day to decide (DameTsuna is pretty much a coward I shouldn't scare him off)." Said the voice once more. Tsuna stood there quietly as the group reach him and continued to walk to the door.

"... (Well I guess I can kiss my sanity away.)" Tsuna could feel his intuition acting up on the voice. He felt that the voice could really get rid of them for him, but he didn't know what the voice wanted. As he opened the door he noticed that there were many people exiting doors he moved away from the door and lean on the wall as he watched the others in the room. He was mildly shocked but put that behind him and looked at the others. Everyone look different and was dressed differently. The people in the room seemed as confused as he was. He looked at the room they were in Besides the giant doors there was nothing to note in the room. Kyoko and Marry were holding hands as they looked around to the others in the room he could see disgust in Kyoko's eyes while Hana was simply scared. Sid, Johnathan and James were trying and failing to look intimating. Deciding he would have an easier time just asking anyone other than these guys what the thought he pushed off the wall and walked to the nearest being.

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