Chapter 8

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Tsuna and Reborn walked to the doors they were mixed in a crowd of people. Once again, the doors appeared, and they walked thru. They ended up in a strange location a dessert, Tsuna felt rather happy they had made bottles of water and currently he and reborn had three each. They were made of wood, so they were a bit heavy, but they were part of his strength training. The demon appeared once more.

"It's time for the next trial your only task is to get to the end of the dessert you have four days. If by the time four days pass and you have not made it, you will die. There are two oases on the way to the end remember to head north so good luck." With that it quickly disappeared. He began to walk north with Reborn on his head he and reborn said nothing and were a little comfortable with the silence and kept going on ahead. After walking for six hours Tsuna took a lunch break with Reborn. They watched people run ahead and others were being carried somewhere crawling. After there break they kept going only stopping once the sun was about to set. Tsuna took out the blanket and curled with Reborn as the desert night chilled them both. Reborn woke him once again before the sun rose to have breakfast before going back to walking It was around noon when they found the first oasis. They were not the first but once they made it Tsuna and Reborn decided to take a quick shower and have lunch before heading back on the road. After refiling their drinks and getting some dates.

The sun was hot and nearly unbearable, but they pressed on without any other tough. Tsuna and reborn once again cuddled together for warmth as they were in the desert night it took than half a day to find the second oasis. Tsuna noted they were was only one day left to reach the exit but Reborn calmed him saying they still had the rest of today and tomorrow. By the time the left the second oasis Tsuna noticed they were only about a hundred people around them and there did not seem anyone else coming with them he wondered if they were resting. Reborn insisted on pressing on during the night this time they walk for three hours in the dark cold night before they found the doors wide open which made Tsuna speed up and enter the doors. Once the entered Tsuna sigh at the comfortable temperature in the room. He looked around there were around a thousand beings in the room once Tsuna found a place to lay down he pulled out his blanket and covered both himself and Reborn.

They went to sleep knowing that they had finally finished their trial. In the morning he and Reborn had their meal and checked their cards.

Name: Tsunayoshi Sadawa Lv: 2 Age: 18

Sex: Male All P: 50 Race: Human (???)

Flames: 1500/1500 Rank: E Health: 100/100

Attack: 25 Intelligence: 52

Skills: Cooking, Hyper Intuition, Pain resistance Speed: 62

Trials: 2/100 Tasks:10 Points: 46

Name: Renato Sinclair Lv: 2 Age: ???

Sex: Male All P: 50 Race: Demon

Flames: 1000/1000 Rank: E Health: 11000/11000

Attack: 2000 Intelligence: 2000

Skills: (???)... Speed: 2000

Trials: 2/100 Tasks: 10 Points: 46

Tsuna noticed the improvements in both their cards. Reborn nodded and gave Tsuna and approving glance. "DameTsuna now that you have more flames give some again." Said Reborn Tsuna nodded and began to pour flames into Reborn when he stopped he noticed Reborn seem a bit older, Reborn seemed happy over it. They trained as they waited for the trail to finish Tsuna wondered why all the training hurt but kept at it. As the day came to an end the doors began to close and the demon reappeared.

"Congratulation to those of you who passed out of 9,210 only 8,301 have passed your week of rest will begin now head thru those doors." It said the doors opened to another town which looked better than the last town they were at. They once again spent their time doing tasks and spent some points on another blanket and their inn. Tsuna under Reborn's training noticed that his stamina and speed had increased he found himself rather happily improved and with Reborn's advice was able gather food and they were able to avoid wasting points. Reborn had explained that since they were in the first floors there would not be anything to useful for them. Tsuna noted that they had been there for nearly three week and only a week remained for their first ranking. Tsuna felt the happiest he had ever been with Reborn even though he had some pain he enjoyed his time. It was once again time for them to do a trial and Tsuna felt calmer than before as well as more awear of his surroundings. The demon like usual appeared and explained. They had earned 30P and spent 4P each in that floor.

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