Chapter 9

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Once they were out a group of people blocked their way to the town. One guy came out and yelled at them to be quiet.

"I'm sure everyone wants to get a good group there will be 531 groups with ten people in all so let us start grouping together and separate inn groups of ten now, so we can get to know our team mates. If you don't have ten people just go to the right if you have ten go with your team members to the left." The guy said, and a lot of people began to move since this would make it easier to find a team everyone was pairing up. Tsuna looked around only to find a red-haired boy looking rather lonely sitting by himself with everyone near him putting an obvious distance.

"Hey Reborn can we pair up with that guy he doesn't look like he will try and hurt us, and he looks nice and non-lethal." Said Tsuna pointing at the boy.

"DameTsuna you're really dame. Fine we need team members anyways. (Can't hurt anything I doubt it that kid looks like his about to start killing everyone.)" said Reborn with a smirk on his face. Tsuna walked up to the boy they attracted attention from those around them. He sat down next to him and looked at him and gave a little wave.

"Hi, I'm Tsuna this is Reborn we were wondering if wanted to form a team with us?" Tsuna asked giving the other a small smile as he waited for his response. The other gave him a curious look and sighed before returning the smile.

"I'm Enma. Are you sure you want to form a team with me I'm not the most useful person out there." Said Enma with a gloomy smile.

"Well that fine I'm not the most useful either but, that's fine we have Reborn for that. Anyways you do not seem like someone that would try and backstab us, and you seem trustworthy. Personally, I think those are the two most important qualities when forming a team. So, if you would be fine with us would you like to join us?" Tsuna asked he kept a small smile on his face as he talked.

"I-I would like to join with you then. Um... so how many others did you ask." Enma asked he had a small smile on his face and seemed a bit happier.

"Well you're the first one we asked no one else looks like a good choice to me. They all have an to save myself I'm willing to do anything." Tsuna said as he looked around.

"Well DameTsuna we still need seven others to join us for the next trial, so we have to find the least likely to try and betray us or will end up dead. By looking at our line up were the most likely to be picked last." Said Reborn

"Um Reborn do you think that we can go and do tasks right now since nobody will want to pair up with us?" Tsuna said as he looked at Reborn

"Hmm they'll give us a look and ignore us so let's go. Looser Enma I'm training DameTsuna, so I'll train you too since you'll be in our group." Reborn said as they began to head into town. Tsuna and Enma were sad when they noticed no one trying to stop them. They reached the guild and like always picked the two tasks Enma and Tsuna were going around looking for mushrooms while Reborn had left to find them dinner. Tsuna collected the mushrooms and some nuts once he was done he walked with to Enma who had some as well counting the mushrooms the collected they had thirty they only needed fifteen. Tsuna decided to set up a campfire and cook the mushrooms for lunch he and Enma had just finished collecting firewood when Reborn returned with a wolf. Reborn expertly cut the wood up and made small pieces to cook on the fire along with the mushrooms.

Enma asked Tsuna why Reborn was able to hunt the wolf by himself. Only for Tsuna to explain Reborn being a demon. They ate in comfort and began to look for their second target love fruit they grew near a cliff and they needed three Tsuna tied the rope to himself and a tree and Enma held the rope for safe measure Reborn was watching out for animals to keep them for coming close. After they finished their tasks they turned the items in to the guild and went to an Inn. When they got inside Enma pulled Tsuna's shirt and motioned for him to come closer. Enma's face was almost as red as his hair.

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