Chapter 7

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Tsuna was curled in the blanket happily sleeping unaware of the demon watching him. Reborn smirked and kicked Tsuna out off bed causing him to wake up.

"Hiee! Reborn! What the hell." Said Tsuna it was still dark out.

"DameTsuna you shouldn't drop your guard, or you might end up dead. Now get dressed were going to train now." Said Reborn as he first started with the normal excises causing Tsuna to drop his guard once they got out side Reborn told him to run around the town every time Tsuna slowed down a rock came out of nowhere and hit him. Then reborn let him rest after ten laps around town but by that time Tsuna was dead tired and it was time for breakfast they ate the dried food in Tsuna's bag. After a quick wash in which Tsuna noticed many bruises curtsy of Reborn they went to the Guild.

"Which tasks should we do now?" asked Tsuna

"You need to do the easiest ones now so take 4 and 5 when can collect fishes for our lunch as we capture the ten necessary ones finding the silk worms will help in your detecting ability." Said Reborn as he explained to Tsuna what they would be doing. Tsuna and Yamato went up to the counter and were greeted by Takeshi once more.

"Good morning Takeshi did you sleep well?" said Tsuna making conversation.

"Yeah I did how about you two?" said Takeshi with a smile he seemed a little bit more relaxed than yesterday.

"We did but DameTsuna wouldn't wake up, so I had wake him up by pushing him off the bed." Said Reborn causing Takeshi to laugh and Tsuna to blush.

"Reborn!" Tsuna said rather flustered

"We came to take out two new tasks." Said Reborn as he handed both the cards and tasks over to Takeshi.

"These ones? The silk worms are in a cave that has the black snakes so if you collect the fangs at the same time it will be easier to do. But then again you can hold on to the fangs and the get the tasks assigned." Said Takeshi in a helpful manner.

"Thanks for your advice Takeshi. Will do that but we are getting the fishing one for our lunch." Said Reborn

"Hahaha, I love fish too we good luck on your tasks." Takeshi said as he handed back the cards. They came to the cave and were attacked by five snakes Tsuna got bitten by them an although it hurt their poison only paralyzed him slowly. Holding the knife in his hand as he began to feel numb he was able to cut off the snakes' heads and quickly get out of the cave. Reborn shook his head at him and went to find some plants then crushed them and mix them in the cup for Tsuna to drink after two hours of being unable to move his body began to gain his feeling back although he still felt numb reborn then gave Tsuna a small wooden box and sent him back to the cave he quickly found the silk worms and got out of the cave.

Once they got to the river Tsuna tried and fail to catch a fish. After failing five times in a row Reborn kicked him into the river. "DameTsuna concentrate grab a stick and stab them remember that the water tends to distort the real position of the fish." After sharpening a stick and removing his wet clothes Tsuna started a fire and put his clothes to dry. Tsuna tried two times before catching his first fish.

"Good job DameTsuna but we need blue fish that one is red. Bring it over I'll cook it I was starting to get hungry." Reborn took the fish and Tsuna spent the next two hours catching fish after he felt done he turned to Reborn who was slowly cooking another three red fish he caught accidentally. There were twelve blue fish after he checked so Reborn began to cook the extras. "Good let's have lunch now then will go to the guild and turn in these tasks then will train you in your fighting." They ate and quickly returned to the Guild.

They spent the rest of the week training and doing tasks, every floor only had ten tasks so once the finish doing tasks Reborn began to show him how to find edible food in the forest and the grab a bit of supplies. The next Trail would begin in an hour so Tsuna and Reborn decided to look at their cards.

Name: Tsunayoshi Sadawa Lv:1 Age: 18

Sex: Male All P: 40 Race: Human (???)

Flames: 1000/1000 Health: 50/50

Attack: 10 Intelligence: 50

Skills: Cooking, Hyper Intuition, Pain resistance Speed: 60

Trials: 1/100 Tasks:10 Points: 36

Reborn reminded Tsuna that their levels and status would improve as the finish Trials. He turned to Reborn's own card to see how different their status was.

Name: Renato Sinclair Lv:1 Age: ???

Sex: Male All P:40 Race: Demon

Flames: 900/900 Health: 10000/10000

Attack: 1000 Intelligence: 1000

Skills: (???)... Speed: 1000

Trials: 1/100 Tasks: 10 Points: 36

Tsuna was shocked Reborn was way too over powered but he wondered why Reborn had less flames than him. "My power was taken from me, so my flames disappeared as you give me flames my actual amount of flames will increase." Reborn said as he looked at him Tsuna wondered how he knew what he was thinking. "It's written on your face, DameTsuna get up we have to go to the doors now it time to leave."

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