Chapter 14

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Wakening up Reborn noticed Natsu was happily laying down on Tsunas lap and Enma was holding Tsuna's arm. Reborn knew that Tsuna had a tough pain resistance but he still knew that even though they were not touching him in his injured places it was still hurting so Reborn pulled both Natsu and Enma away and to the floor and explained while Torturing them to not touch Tsuna while he was injured. Reborn knew it would take around two days with the magical medicine for Tsuna to get all better, but he still needed rest, so he decided to have Enma watch Tsuna while he went to check out the tasks the should be E and D tasks in this floor so. E task only gave four to six point so D task should give seven to nine point they would be able to gain more points and finally would be promoted to rank C. After getting the information he concluded that to advance to C rank you would need to do twenty D rank tasks, so they would only promote after finishing the next floor tasks. The tasks on this floor were no longer collection of materials but they seemed to be a test bases tasks.

1. Go to Sky hall and read the first volume of flame types. 4P

2. Go to Earth hall and read the second volume of flame types. 4P

3. In Sky hall take the sky test 5P

4. In Earth hall take the earth test 5P

5. Present both the earth and sky badges to Moon hall. 6P

6. Go to Moon hall to learn on flame seals. 7P

7. Moon Hall preform one flame seal 7P

8. Moon hall preform two flame seals 8P

9. At potion hall learn the basics of potion creation 8P

10. Potion hall read volume one of herbs. 9P

Only the first five could be completed by simple means and the last two as well seals and potion creation were hard taking time to actually learn how it worked. Although they had more time to spend they had to learn which would take time to complete. Reborn could already finish fast but Tsuna and Enma would take a while to learn. After asking he knew that these tasks could only be completed by yourself and not in group. To check out a tasks you would need to go to the hall and they would decide if you completed the task and distribute the points.

After finishing Reborn went back to the inn and explained their tasks as he explained he began to teach then the full list of flames the sky flames such as sky, rain, cloud... then the earth flames earth, swamp, forest... and special flames Oath flames which were a mixture of sky and earth flames. Flames of the night which were known to belong to Vindice. Flame of Wrath and a rumored Snow flame. Both Tsuna and Enma had only thought there were 14 flame types and had never heard of the last four. Reborn explained how everyone has flames which are passed by your family and it is possible to control more than one flame type. After explaining in full detail how flames flow and all things flames and how flames can active rings and other objects Reborn began testing them and when they answered wrong Reborn hit them. Once the day ended Tsuna and Enma never answered wrong again.

The next day they went to Sky hall and Earth heart and read once they finish they took the test and gained 18P and Reborn began to teach them about seals until it was night before letting them sleep. On third day Tsuna was completely healed well other than his flame channels which still needed to be fixed. At the moment after room expanses and the toll and after accounting the current tasks completed Tsuna had 407P which should get him a good conductor. Enma had 409P and Reborn had 405P only Tsuna and Enma needed a conductor so Reborn led the down to a small shop. The shop was run by a creature made of wood who had the no face and thoughts came into their mind from the other. Reborn explain to the creature that they would need to two pairs of gloves which could conduct sky and earth flames separately. The creature nodded and gave them the two pairs of gloves for 50P each. Both Tsuna and Enma felt sad when paying due to their P going down so much but they knew it was for the best and so once they left Enma's P were 359 and Tsuna's were 357. With that Reborn took them to a secluded location and began to teach them more about seals and allowed them to practice making them.

Reborn taught them three seals a shield a small fire ball and a speed boost seal. Both Enma and Tsuna could learn these three and due to their fighting styles, which were hand to hand they would be able to use these three the most. "To create a seal, you must use your flames using your flames and slowly even out the flow tries to make thin lines draw the creates for the seal and begin to shape it to the seal form. If you make the lines uneven the seal will not work and will blow up hurting, you slightly. The stronger the seal you make the more the failure will hurt you so first we will use these simple seals. Tomorrow when we go to the Moon hall you will read on seals so remember seals that you want to learn later on and once we finish the tasks I will help you with learning them." Said Reborn "Also after we finish with seals DameTsuna give me flames. Then we will take another break and we can start learning herbs after that.

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