Chapter 15

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Moon hall was different from both sky and earth hall it was a bit cold and lonely the beings who gaurded the door were covered in head to toe in bandages. They at first made them feel unnerved and even Reborn showed a on guard expression. There was a line to get inside as they approached the front of the line they over heard a conversation a wolf man was having with the guard. "The tasks didn't say anything on needing to complete other tasks to get in. You should just let me in anyways it's your fault for not explaining it before hand in the first place!" said the wolf man the guard showed no signs of changing their opinion and still refused them wolf man.

"To enter Moon hall, you must show both the earth and sky badge if you keep making a disturbance you will be banned from entering Moon hall at all and will not be able to take points from any task concerning Moon hall." Said the guard and the wolf man left with a huff. Once it was their turn they hand over their badges and the guard looked at them and gave them back and asked for their cards. "This is your first time in moon hall, so you will gain the 6P if after you leave today you still need to finish a tasks just come back later and reshow your badges." They were then allowed in and ushered into a classroom once the room had twenty people the door closed, and a teacher dressed like the guard came in.

They were given a book which was explained by the teacher. Apparently long ago when the world was still young a group of people studied the structure of flames and began to record them the as ruins when they put them together they began to make seals and discovered the art of seals. In the higher realm seal making was a job and could be used to make weapons and conductors and other magical items. When they got to the seal part Tsuna noticed that over twenty seals were there and the three Reborn had taught them were there as well. After looking at the seals for a while the teacher asked them to answer a few questions and let them go after giving out the points once they left the room they were asked if they would try to create a seal and they were taken away.

Tsuna noticed the room he was in had very few people and as they waited their turn they watched others making seals out of everyone in front of them only five were able to make seals there were around forty people who went in front of them. Once they performed a seal they were asked if they wanted to try the second one as well and agreed. By the ended of the day they had gained a total of 28 P their total points were E-387, T-385 and R-433. As Reborn had promised they had the next day off in which a now ten-year-old Reborn took them out to eat cake for their ability in learning. The three of them were happily eating and enjoying the sweat flavor of their individual cake chocolate for Enma, coffee for Reborn and strawberry shortcake for Tsuna each cake cost 5P which left Reborn who bought them cake 418 P. The people running around were looking upset as they were running about to a book store looking at the books as they were trying to learn about their tasks.

Reborn watched them and smirked as he turned to the two in front of him. "DameTsuna, Loser Enma look outside. Those people don't have someone teaching them how to complete their trails and are having to spend points on books which surely have less information than the one in those classes to pass the tasks." Enma and Tsuna looked outside and stopped eating Although they had a bunch of points if they did not have Reborn they would not have gained them as easy. Not to mention they would also be using them for buying things and might end up not having enough to buy the things they need much less a snack. Before they could continue thinking about things to long Reborn continued. "The tasks we have done were similar to the trails we took later on. If I am correct the next trails should have something to do with flames the first portion was a strength-based trail so until the twentieth floor we should be having to learn but just because it should be learning based, you two will still have to train. You should not forget the twentieth trail is a fight. Although I will admit a dragon is a difficult opponent these trails are life and death so your opponents could be stronger than you so you have to keep train to keep up we have been here for five days and once we finish the potion course I will show you how to use what you learned in a battle." With those word their schedule full of fighting and learning was set.

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