The price to pay

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- Time skips – another 6 months -

She went to the cafeteria to eat her lunch. Today she was having (your favourite main dish) along with (your favourite side dish). She had been dreaming about it all morning and now was finally the time to dig in.

She took a lengthy whiff of the food displayed in front her and smiled widely. Mr Soo sat down with Na-RI which surprised her. He was really friendly, but he never sat down with her for lunch or anything else beside work.

"Na-Ri-ssi, tell me, how are you enjoying your role in the agency so far?"

"I'm really happy, I never thought I would be able to love anything else other than teaching and looking after young children, but here I am looking after bigger children and loving life!!", she replied laughing.

Mr Soo nodded and smiled at her comment. It was indeed the same as her old job; she was looking after toddlers trapped in men's bodies.

"I want to thank you and PD-nim for giving me this incredible opportunity. You didn't stop at what my resume said, but you gave me an actual chance to prove yourself. I will forever be grateful for that."

"Na-Ri-ssi, we are the ones who are grateful. It is extremely hard to find reliable staff to work so closely with famous idols. There is always that fear and risk that staff might leak some private information, taking sneaky pictures and sell them; the list is endless. We always worry about such things, but you proved to be discrete and reliable and we value this a lot Thank you."

Na-Ri felt a sense of pride and joy to have been called "reliable and discrete". She had become a trustworthy member staff member and she wanted to make sure it stays that way. She'd do anything to keep their trust.

"Na-Ri" said Mr Soo clearing his throat "how would you feel if you were to receive additional responsibilities that might require for you to move closer to the Headquarters?"

"I'd be honoured, but what kind of additional responsibilities are we talking about?"

Mr Soo did not know how to bring the topic without it sounding offensive. After all, it was offensive in a way, but it was more a case of "force majeure".

"Well, let me discuss and finalize the details with Bang PD-nim and we will get back to you with more details on what that would entail, ok?"

"Alright", smiled Na-Ri and off she was back to work.

Mr Soo sat there wondering "What will be the price to pay once she knows what we need from her? Will she leave? She's the only one we can trust, but at the same time, we cannot force this on her. Please Na-Ri, help us out" he whispered the last part.

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