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"Long time no see, brother..."

5. little. words...





Namjoon and Ji-Soo stared at each other for what felt like an eternity. You could cut the tension in the air with a knife.

For a second, Na-Ri thought that it was an amazing coincidence for her to know both brothers without them knowing they had her in common, but seeing the tensed faces surrounding her, she quickly understood, that maybe, just maybe all was not well.

Namjoon slowly turned his head toward Na-Ri and asked: "Where did you meet him?" She could feel the strain in his voice as well as the anger he was trying to keep at bay.

Na-Ri: "We met on the plane on my way to New York for SNL." she truthfully answered, still trying to understand what the issue was.

Namjoon: "Is that so?" he scoffed, looking at her in disbelief.

Ji-Soo: "She is saying the truth, Namjoon", trying to defend her.

Namjoon: "I was not talking to you, Hyung...", he spat at Ji-Soo with venom in his voice. He uttered his statement without raising his voice, but it was laced with animosity, ready to tear his throat apart.

Na-Ri could not recognize the Namjoon she had come idolize for his compassion, patience, and love for people. This Namjoon was different, he was dark, he was hateful and ready to attack if need be.

Na-Ri: "Namjoon! What's got into you? What's wrong?" Her eyes held concern and affection for him. He looked deep into her eyes, softening and feeling sorry for lashing out at her.

Namjoon: "Nothing, Na-Ri. It's nothing..." he sighed, finally calming down.

My heart is on fire.

Na-Ri: "It doesn't look like it's nothing", she answered, feeling suspicious.

Namjoon: "Don't you worry; it's really nothing".

Why are you with him?

And then he saw it. The necklace. But more precisely, the diamond. His eyes widened at its sight and he forgot how to breathe. He knew that she was not into jewelry, even less into diamonds. He had known her for years and she was always the simple type. Although she was decently paid, she did not have the money to purchase such a pure diamond, no matter how small it was.

He blinked a few times, before looking away.

Meanwhile, a few steps back

Taehyung: "Oh this is bad, real bad, very very bad!", he said, stressed out by the situation unfolding before him.

Taehyung: "Oh this is bad, real bad, very very bad!", he said, stressed out by the situation unfolding before him

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Yoongi: "Tae, shut it", he replied, emotionless.

Jimin: "Who knew this day would come, huh... They haven't seen each other in 5 years and here they are", he said with a mix of sarcasm and fear.

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