We wait

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- 3pm - (long ass nap!)

She woke up in a starfish position, the perks of sleeping on your own. She stared at the ceiling, the events of the morning coming back to her mind. She violently shut her eyes and scrunched up her nose, wanting to forget for a moment, but there was no escape from it. She would have to give them an answer. The sooner, the better.

She was now a few months away from turning 25 (a/n: she joined BigHit at 23 and worked there for over a year in case you forgot). She had dated boys in her younger years, but she never went "all the way". Now, she might end up losing her virginity to one of them and be "doing it" on a regular basis. Talk about 360 degrees changes. Actually, she would need to mention that fact, as they most likely wouldn't expect a 25 years-old to still have her V card.

Since she would be doing them a favour, she should be able to set out some conditions, no? And that's what she worked on for the rest of the day. She had made up her mind to say yes, but on certain conditions.

- Flashback to this morning at BigHit -

Mr Soo went to the practice room to talk to the boys.

"Mr Soo, Noona hasn't arrived yet, is she ok? She's never late." said Jungkook.

"She already came and left." Mr Soo replied.

"She left? Why? What happened? Is she alright?" Taehyung asked with a worried look on his face.

"We had THE conversation with her about ... you know..."

"Oh..." the boys said together.

"Don't worry, she didn't say no; she just needs to think about it. It was to be expected. Nothing to worry about for now. Regardless of the outcome, we'll make sure nothing changes" Mr Soo added.

All the members looked down, feeling disturbed. They didn't know how she felt, and what she'll decide. They just hoped that whatever she decides, it won't affect their friendship.

At that, Mr Soo left. The boys were left on their own with thoughts and feelings.

"I hope we didn't make a mistake in going for this with Na-Ri." Namjoon whispered.

"I told y'all this was messed up" Yoongi mumbled.

"Ok, Mint Yoongi, enough with your attitude. We're not asking for your opinion" said Jin, exasperated.

"Mint Yoongi? Really?" Yoongi said under his breath. "My hair isn't even that colour anymore!!"

"All we can do now is wait and see what she says. Regardless of what she decides, she's still part of this team and we'll still love her just the same" concluded Jimin.

And wait is all they could do at that stage...

- End of flashback-

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