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The day had come for Na-Ri to fly to NY ahead of the boys. She woke up at the crack of dawn and made her way eyes closed to the bathroom. It was an ungodly hour and she felt like crying but consoled herself that she would get to sleep on the flight this time around.

After her morning routine and a quick smoothie, she entered the taxi she had booked the night before and made her way to Incheon Int'l Airport. It was incredibly early; her flight was at 6 am, so she left home at 3.30am.

Since she had already checked in online, she went straight to the baggage drop and then made her way to the VIP lounge to take a quick nap since it was silly o'clock.

Since she had already checked in online, she went straight to the baggage drop and then made her way to the VIP lounge to take a quick nap since it was silly o'clock

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Wherever she went, people stared at her. Not because she was drop dead gorgeous, but because she was a foreigner. They were simply curious. Her skin was tan, so she stood out. People even sometimes asked to take a picture with her for that simple fact. She always obliged with a smile. This always happened within South Korea; not so much abroad.

As soon as she stepped in the VIP lounge, heads turned to look at her. Even though it was ridiculously early, there was a fair number of middle-aged businessmen and a few females who looked like those big corporations' chairwomen in k-dramas. She was the only non-Korean female in there dressed pretty casually compared to the rest.

 She was the only non-Korean female in there dressed pretty casually compared to the rest

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She couldn't care less; she was sleep deprived and sleep she shall.

"Miss, Miss! I'm sorry but you need to wake up. Are you the one they are calling for? " a soft voice said. She had fallen into a deep sleep and boarding was about to close. They've already called for her twice.

You know the feeling of waking up from a very deep sleep and you feel disoriented and you're not sure what day or time it is? That's what she experienced. For a minute, she wasn't sure what she was doing here until she realized, she was about to miss her flight.

Besides the instant headache that took a hold of her, a chill went through her and she scrambled for her belongings and started to race to the gate. They would only call her one more time and then that's it; she'd miss her flight.

She ran through the crowd looking at the panels showing where her gate was: "Great.... I'm at the last terminal of this building...". She would have to summon a speed that only Usain Bolt was blessed with in the mortal realm. She ran with her little legs as fast as she could, trying not to bump into the ajhumas and ajhussis along the way.

"This is the last call for Miss Kim Na-Ri for flight UA148 to New York JFK. Please make your way to gate 7 in terminal K immediately. Last call for Miss Kim Na-Ri".


She's almost there. The finishing line. As she sees in the distance the attendant pulling the ribbon to close the boarding section, she screams at the top of her lungs: "기다려주십시오!!!!" (gidalyeojusibsio) Please wait!!!!!!"

Every head in the vincinity turned to look at who was so loud. She didn't care; she needed to be on this flight. With a look of contempt on her face, the lady attendant rolled back the ribbon, checked her passport, scanned her boarding pass and said "Palli palli!"

Na-Ri raced down the corridor that led to the plane's entrance. As she jumped on the plane, she almost knocked over the male flight attendant that stood at the door. She looked disheveled, sweaty, out of breath and wide-eyed like she snorted some illegal substance.

The male flight attendant let out a chuckle full of amusement and said with a smile: "Welcome aboard, Miss Kim; we've been expecting you. You are seated in the Business Class, pod 3B. Please make your way to your seat; we are leaving immediately."

She let herself fall onto her seat and tried to catch her breath, closing her eyes

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She let herself fall onto her seat and tried to catch her breath, closing her eyes. Everyone in Business Class gave her the side eye. She would have probably been given more grief if she was seated in Economy class. This was supposed to be relaxing....

A tall, young man wearing a mask, who was seated in the pod next to her, leaned forward to have a good look at the lady who made everyone late. His eyes widened as he saw her, "this is the girl who was sleeping in the VIP lounge..."

(a/n: who is that mystery dude? New character introduction = loading

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(a/n: who is that mystery dude? New character introduction = loading....)

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