Chapter 12: Superman And Superwoman

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"Wow, you look like a sexy Superman." I say as Nick walk over to me, a grimace expression plastered over his face as he tugs on his tights. He was dressed in the Superman costume, the Man of Steel one, while I was dressed in the Superwoman costume. He did look sexy in it, I have to admit. You could clearly see his muscles and abs beneath it, and he was fucking hot.

"I have a wedgie!" He whines, a frustrated look as he tugs on his pants. I laugh, walking over to him and my fingers touch his dark blue pants, I pull it up and look at him.

"Better?" I say and step away from him.

"Yeah, thanks." He says, looking relieve, I giggled at him. His eyes raked over my body, aproval and something else I couldn't put my finger on. He smiles at me, saying.

"You look gorgeous," He says and I grin at him, strucking a pose.

"Yep, I'm going to save the fucking world and your going to be my side kick." I say, and he rolls his eyes at me.

"Superman doesn't have a side kick, he works alone."

"Who says he works alone? Your my side kick!" I say, grinning at him. I flap my red cape behind me and pointed to the woods.

"Come on! We have to go find Piper and talk to her!" I say, starting to run towards it but stop when I notice he wasn't following me, I turn around and saw him starring at me, well more precisely at my ass. Of course, I was in a skirt.

"Are you starring at my ass?!" I say, snapping him out of his trance and he shakes his head, walking over to me with a flush face. I give him a amused smirk, he was totally checking me out.

"I- uh I was-" I cut him off.

"It's okay, I know I have a great ass. You have a awesome ass too," With that, I turn around with a proud smirk on my face and walk into the woods, looking for Piper. He catches up to me and grabs my wrist, stopping me from walking any further.

"Wait, Piper can't know its us in these costumes." He says and takes out two red blindfolds but had two holes inside so you can see. He turns me around and puts my blindfold on, I do the same to him.

It was my genius idea for us to dress up as superheros, find Piper since she loves superheros and talk to her to convince her to forgive me. Nick went along with me, but also saying she's gonna know that its us in these costumes. I firmly didn't think she'll know it was us.

"Ready?" I say when we found her at the same rock I found her when I first got here. She was throwing pebbles into the lake in front of her, not knowing we were here yet. Nick nods beside me, giving me a wide smile.

We plop down beside her and she jumps, looking at us with wide eyes when she saw our costumes. "Oh my gosh, what are you guys doing here?!"

I beam at her, what? Is it weird for Superman and Superwoman to be popping up on kids like that?

"Oh you know the usual, saving the world and whatnot with my sidekick." I say, pointing at Nick. I made my voice go a little southern because if I talk with my normal voice, Piper will totally know it's me behind this costume and mask.

"Superman doesn't have a sidekick, he works alone." Piper says and looks toward Nick, he nods and gives her a sheepish grin.

"Yeah well it seems like Superwoman here likes to have me around."

That, is defiantly true. I do like having him around.

He says, making his voice go a little deeper so that she wouldn't notice it was him either. She looks between us, turning her head to look at one person then to the other.

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