Chapter 15: Stealing A Kiss

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"Good morning beautiful," I say happily as Piper eyes flutter open, her brown eyes look over at me and she groans. I chuckle as she turns around and pulls the blanket over her body, hiding herself from me.

"I don't wanna get up," She says softly and I let go of my hair brush, leaving it on the dresser before I walk over to her bunk. I lean over her and softly let my fingers play with her blanket, she giggles as I tear it off of her and got in next to her. I grin at her and tug her body towards me, kissing her temple as she instantly cuddles into my side.

"Come on, we're late for breakfast anyways. After that we can go swimming or whatever you want to do, I don't mind." I say and smiled down at her as she looks up at me, smiling softly. My eyes glance at her neck, still seeing those black and purple bruises from last night. I pursed my lips, I'm so glad they kick out Hazel last night. The rest of the kids were sleeping, the only ones who were up were Bronte, Piper, and Aaron who decided that they were bored and wanted to see what us adults were doing because they also notice that we weren't in their cabins, sleeping too.

Piper told me about Hazel being a reporter and trying to get a nasty story off of me and selling it to the media. She told me she destroy her laptop which I high fived her for that. I didn't even care if the story got out, all I cared for is Piper's safety and the rest of the kids in this camp, I've gone close with them.

My knuckles were still badly bruised and they hurt a little but I was satisfied with breaking Hazel's nose and rib. Excuse me for being overprotective and wanting to kill the bitch.

"Can we ride bikes? I wanna learn how to ride a bike but without the safety wheels." She tells me and I grin, nodding quickly.

"Sure, I don't mind at all. I haven't ridden a bike in a while so excuse me if I fall off." I say and she giggles, nodding. So we got dressed after I waited for Piper doing her morning routine and then we were off to the mess hall to grab some breakfast.

"Hey Connor," I chirp happily as I stand next to him in line, my tray filled with some breakfast goods. He looks over at me and smirks, taking a apple from the basket as we moved down the line.

"Hey badass Demi, heard you kicked ass last night." He says and I grin, I winked at him as I reach over for some orange juice.

"Totally did, did you saw?" I say and he nods as he grabs a cookie.

"I saw all the pain you inflected on her, she was beaten up badly, where did you learn how to fight like that?" He asks me and I smirk as I follow him through the tables.

"My bodyguard taught me, he's one of the best." I say and laugh as he rolls his eyes at me. He waves at me before going over to the other guys table, sitting down next to Nick and Aaron. I went over to Piper and sat down next to her, she grins at me.

As we ate, I talk with the other girls in the table. I find it a little weird because all the girls were at this part of the mess hall while all the boys were at the other side of the mess hall. When I was finish eating, my arm hanging loosely around Piper's chair while Alena and Taylor, another friend of mine here, talk to me about Nick.

"Why the hell did you dated Joe instead of Nick?!" They ask me in unison, leaning in as all the girls looked at me for an answer. I giggled nervously at them and licked my lips.

"Uh, I don't know?" I say and it came out as a question, I honestly didn't know myself.

"It's been on everyone's minds since 2010!" Alena says, throwing her arms in the air as she gives me a pointed look. They each give me pointed or eager looks as they leaned over the table, waiting for my response.

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