Chapter 3: Paintings

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"What is that?"

I look at her and then at my painting. "It's a stick figure with a big butt," I tell her and she starts to laugh. I look at her weirdly as she laughs, her small figure trembles with laughter and you can only hear her from everyone talking.

"What are you laughing about?" I ask her but she laughs even more.

Piper is weird.

"Is it that bad?" I say, and turned to my painting. It was a stick figure with a huge butt and I don't know why Piper is laughing like she caught the giggles or something.

She giggles, nodding her head and her piggy tales move with her. She had a purple beanie on, which I'm guessing is mine because it has Lovato on the back and she's been wearing it all day. She must've found it through my luggage.

"Yeah, very bad." She says and I roll my eyes at her.

"Why? Do you think you can do better?" I say and she nods before showing me her painting. It was a stick figure with blondish brownish hair, a smile on its face, a purple beanie on her head and a stuff monkey in her hand. There was another stick figure, but a little taller then that one. That stick figure had brown hair down its shoulder and a scowl on their face, it look like it didn't want to be with the other stick figure.

"See? That's me," She points at the stick figure with blondish brownish hair and a purple beanie. "and that's you." She then points to the other stick figure, she then turns and grins at me.

"That's horrible." I say, a scowl played on my lips. "That's even worse then my painting." I tell her, not really liking the painting that she did.

Piper frowns and puts the painting backs on its canvas, she climbs down her seat and walks out of the room. I didn't went after her though.

"Jesus, someone hold me back, I'm going to slap her!" Alena yells and I raise a eyebrow at her.

"What did I do?!" I say, looking at her as she gives me a furious look. She points at the door where Piper just went from and yelled at me.

"She's just seven Demi! She's not a nobel award artist! She can't make paintings like that! So why don't you shut your mouth and don't hurt her feelings for once?! Every time I see you two together, it always you saying something bad about her then her walking away! Stop being mean to her and everyone else here or else, you'll get fired!"

I narrow my eyes at her and stood up. "You have no idea why I'm being a bitch to everyone and mostly to her so don't come here telling me what the hell to do. Your not the boss of me, and you don't know if I get fired! I could always get sign to another record label! So what if I treat her like crap? She's gonna get use to it anyway-" She cuts me off.

Alena bitched slap me right there and then, she walks up to me, her face inches away from mines as I glare at her.

"She's a fucking kid." She sneers at me and walks away, dragging Bronte with her. I glare at her disappearing figure. I huff, stomping my foot and walking out of that room.

Who the hell does she think she is? Calling me off like that, hell no.

She doesn't know what I've been through, no one does.

And no one will find out.


I growl under my breath, still furious about what happen hours ago and stab at my chicken. I ate the chicken and munch down on it, Connor raises a eyebrow at me from across the table.

"You know, you can always just stop, quit and leave with your bitchiness." He says and I glare at him. He shrugs his shoulders before pointing his fork at me.

"Go and apologize to Piper, I haven't seen her all day and niether has anyone around here, its your job to look after her." He says and I gave him a look.

"No, why should I apologize to her if what I say was true? That painting was horrible and also, she took my beanie from me." I tell him, dropping my fork on my plate and push my plate away from me, I wasn't hungry anyway.

Connor's eyes flared with anger and raged. He tells his kid to go outside to wait up for him before he looks at me, pointing his finger at me.

"You need to get your shit together Demetria, people here have feelings and you are clearly hurting them. Why am I even hanging out with a bitch?" He says and pushes his chair back then leaves the table.

I screamed internally inside my head, wanting to rip his head off. I push my chair back, knocking it down to the floor and leave the mess hall.

I walk back to the cabin and no one was there so I climb to my bed and face planted it. I bury my face in my pillow and screamed into it.

Tears prickle my eyes as I curled up in a ball and wrap my arms around my stomach, painful memories poked and propel my mind. Their words don't hurt me, hell no, I ignore it but what hurt me is what happen three months ago.

And it destroyed me from the inside.

"Hi," I heard someone whisper and I open my eyes, looking at Piper who climb up to my bunk. She had a stuff monkey and penguin in her hands and my beanie laying lazily on her head. She holds out the stuff penguin to me.

"Mr. Happy Feet can make you feel better," She says, urging me to take the penguin. I look at her, then at the penguin so with a shaky hand, I reach out and took the penguin, I squeezed it to my chest.

"Maybe he can." I mumble and sigh, taking in a shaky breath and shaking my head, getting rid of the tears. Piper squeezes her stuff monkey to her chest, looking at me as she did so.

"You can keep Mr. Happy Feet if you want, I have plenty at home." She says and I shook my head, handing the penguin back to her.

"No, I won't need it, I'm a big girl and big girls don't need stuff animals." I tell her and she frowns, taking the penguin from my hand.

"Big girls sometime needs them," She says and I roll my eyes.

"No, they don't." I say and she smiles. I gave her a look, wondering what she was smiling about.

"What are you smiling about? You can go to bed, I don't need you." I say and then her face falls. She reachs her hand out and touchs my cheek softly, whiping away the tear that escape.

"Big girls don't cry." She says and I shook my head.

"Yeah but crying reminds me that I'm still alive." I tell her and she scrunch her face up in confusion, she tilts her head to the side and looks at me.

"But you are alive, your breathing right?"

"Yeah, but you know..."

"Know what?"

I shrug, sighing. She was just a kid. "Life is a bitch, so try to stay seven for as long as you can." I tell her and she giggles before pointing at me. "You said a bad word!" She yells and giggles at the scowl on my face.

I hit her with a pillow. "Just go to sleep brat." I say and she stops laughing, looking at me with a hurt expression before nodding. She crawls over to the ladder and climbs down. I heard her crawl into her bunk and I sigh, closing my eyes and turning around.

I was almost asleep when I heard someone put something beside me then went back to bed. I groan in my head before turning around to look at the thing, it was the penguin. I lifted my head to look down at Piper but she was asleep with a smile on her face. I roll my eyes, this kid was weird.

I laid back down but then grab the penguin, pulling it into my chest and squeezing him to me. I fell asleep after a while, thinking that Piper is a weird child.

She is a little weird but, annoying.

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