Chapter 16: We Need To Talk

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I shuffle into the room, passing by Nick as he closes the door behind me softly. I awkwardly took a seat on his bed as he reaches into his drawers, taking out a white t-shirt before putting it over his head. I couldn't help but stare at his muscular back as he pulls on his shirt, I so wanted my nails in his back.

Calm down Demi, don't try to jump his bones and take him right now. You need to wait. I thought to myself. Oh who the hell am I kidding?! It's Nick Jonas for fuck's sake! He's like a sex god!

He coughs, catching my attention and he smirks at me when he notice I was starring at him. I blush as my eyes cast down to my hands, I could see him lean against his dresser with his arms crossed over his chest.

"U-Uhm, is your back okay? From the fall earlier," I quickly say as I look up at him. He gives me a brief smile and says, his perfect pink lips moving.

"My back is mine, glad I could soften the fall for you." He says and I nodded, smiling softly at him.

"How did you came at me like that?" He asks and I giggled to myself.

"I wasn't looking in front of me, I was riding a bike with Piper and I fell into a small hole, it made me fly off my bike and land on you, you just so happen to past by and catch me." I say, my fingers played with the hem of my flannel shirt.

He smiles. "Your always clumsy Dems," He says and I laugh quietly, agreeing with him.

"Yeah, I am." I say and a silence overcame us.

"Demi," He says as I say in the same time. "Nick," We chuckled at ourselves and I say.

"You first."

He sighs, licking his lips before he nods. He sits down on his dresser, hands on his lap while he looks over at me. "Demi, I know we've known each other for years and we've been the best of friends but I need to get this off my chest because I need to tell you how I feel. I am in love with you. I always have been, I need you like a flower needs the sun to survive, your my sun, my world revolves around you. It's okay if you don't feel the same way, I understand. We can be just friends. But I am in love with you and I need you to know that because I can't keep it to myself anymore. Just tell me you at least felt that spark when our lips connected." He says, letting go of a breath he must've been holding, his eyes holding truth and honesty completely as he looks at me for a reaction.

My heart flutter at his confession and hope immediately filled my insides. "Nick, I don't know how else I could compete with that but yeah, I think I should also confess my feelings. I am in love with you too. I've loved you for a while now but I was so scared of telling you, for fear of ruining our friendship and what we have. I'm so glad you feel the same way, if you didn't then I'll look like a fool, things would've gone really awkward for us. I also need for you to know that, and yes I did felt that." I say, licking my lips as I look up at him, my shoulders relax as I felt a weight being lift from them. My heart starts to beat more rapidly in my chest as he stares at me.

He gets up from his seat on the dresser and walks over to me, he leans down to me and softly puts his hand over my cheek. He looks into my eyes, before looking down at my lips, I give him a small nod as to go for it because I won't stop him or I'll do it first. He does, he softly presses our lips together.

It wasn't those kisses where they shove their tongue down your throat, no, this was soft, sweet, sensitive yet filled with so much love that makes your stomach explode with butterflies and your head whirl with dizziness that wants to knock you off your feet.

My eyes flutter close as my heart explode with eruptions of fireworks surging through me, I kissed him back just as softly. My hands move up to cup his face as we kissed, his other hand goes to the back of my neck to hold me in my place so I won't move. His lips felt so soft, sweet and addicting. Just what I needed and want. We kissed until we pulled away for air, seeing as we humans need it. My eyes were still closed as I leaned my forehead against his, my thumb softly caressing his cheek as we breathe heavily.

"I'm latching onto you for the rest of my life." He whispers softly to me, his minty breath tickling my cheeks.

"I'm latching onto you for eternity." I whisper back, my eyes opening again so I can drown myself in his brown orbs. He stare back into my own eyes and smile, smiled so wide that his face could split in half. I grin just as widely.

He sits down next to me on the bed, lacing our hands together. I smiled as I look at our hands then look up at his face. "So, what now?" I ask him and he smiles.

"Do you wanna be my girlfriend?" He asks me and my heart thumps wildly against my rib cage again, I grin widely at him.

"I love to." I replied and he grins at me and takes our intertwined hands, bringing it up to his lips, he plants a soft kiss on my hand.

"Awesome, I-I am so happy for us right now." He says and I grin at him, bringing his tangle hand to my lips and planting a soft kiss on his hand too.

"I am too." I say and smiled at him. Many different emotions corse through my veins as I look at my new boyfriend with happiness, he was mine now and no one else can have him. I then remember I should head back to my cabin, the girls must be waiting for me. I quickly got up and drop his hand.

"I should head back, the girls are waiting for me." I say and walk to his cabin door, I made a move to grasp it but Nick's hand stop me from doing so. He turns me around so I was facing him and he quickly presses me against the wall, his hands go to my hips as my hands curled up on his chest as he connects our lips once again, my eyes fluttering close again. I smiled as we kissed, I could never get tired of how his lips feel on mine.

"Now I can kiss you breathless against the wall," He whispers against my lips as he tugs on my lip. I grin, tugging on his lip too.

He pulls away, leaving me breathless and making me want for more and place a kiss on my forehead. "Goodnight, my beautiful girl." He tells me softly and opens the door for me, I smiled at him but I could feel as my legs could give out right now as he told me that.

"Goodnight," I tell him softly and walk out of his cabin, feeling a little light headed as I walk down the steps and onto the trail back to my cabin, I could hear Nick yelling.

"YES! DEMI'S MY GIRLFRIEND! HELL YEAH BABY!" I giggled to myself as I quickly ran back to my cabin, feeling all mushy and giggly right now.

I slam open the door, the girls on the floor looking up at me from their game of cards and I made a beeline to the closet bunk. As I face planted the pillow, I scream loud and hard into it, the pillow muffle my screams.

"NICK JONAS IS MY BOYFRIEND! FUCK YEAH!" I screamed into the pillow, screaming some more before I sat back up, a giant smile on my face as I look at them.

"Wait, what?! Repeat that please!" Alena says, jumping up from her seat on the floor as she looks at me with wide exciting eyes.

"NICK JONAS IS MY BOYFRIEND!" I screamed and she joined in with my screaming. She wraps her arms around me and I hug her back as we laughed while Piper and Bronte looked at us weirdly.

We grab them, tugging them into our group hug and fit of laughter. "Come on! We gotta celebrate!" Alena says and I nodded, we immediately did our own little party in our cabin. Eating junk food, talking, playing games and having fun.

This is probably one of the best days ever.

I couldn't be more happy.

Nick Jonas is my boyfriend. Let me go melt in a puddle right now.

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