Chapter 11: The Jonas Brothers

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"Boys! You came!" I say, running over to them and hug them tightly.

"Hey Demi, of course we'll come." They say and I pull away from them, standing in front of them and grinning like a idiot.

"Boys, how about we give everyone a little surprise?" I say, grinning at them and they grin at me. We went back to the little stage we set up and they grab their guitars and mics.

"Rise and shine Camp Kids! It's the Jonas Brothers!" I say into the microphone that could be heard like all through the camp. It was the morning and the boys just arrive, they were going to help me get Piper back to me.

Kevin and Nick strum their guitars while Joe grab his mic, I give them a thumbs up and hop down the stage. I watch as everyone stumble out of their cabins, walking over to see what was happening. I smirk to myself when the adults reconize them, probably because of Alena screaming when she saw who it was.

"OH MY GOD THE JONAS BROTHERS!" She screams, running over to us and stopping beside me, a huge grin on her face.

I raise my eyebrow at her, amused. "You like them?" I ask her and she nods quickly, a huge ass grin on her face.

"Yeah, I love them!" She says and I chuckle as the boys start to play and sing to Poms Poms.

"More to love when your hands are free

Baby put your pom poms down for me

Come on shake it up 123

Baby put your pom poms down for me," Joe sings and we cheer as they sing and played along.

Once they were done singing, everyone cheered and scream for them. I grin widely and jump on stage with them, Kevin hands me his mic.

"Guys, why don't you introduce yourselves?" I say and smiled at them as they waved.

"Hey guys I'm Kevin," Kevin says, smiling at them.

"I'm Nick," Nick says, smiling widely.

"And I'm Joe, we're the Jonas Brothers. But treat us like we're just normal counselors and campers." Joe says, smiling and I watch as the crowd murmurs and starts to leave. I turn to them, raising a eyebrow at the brothers before me and say.

"Well that escalated quickly," I say and they chuckle, nodding. I glance at Piper as she stands near Alena and Bronte, pointing at a car that pulled up to the camp and parks in the parking lot.

"Guess that's my new counselor," Piper says, giving me a smirk before turning around and running to the car. I narrow my eyes at her running figure, feeling envy come at me in waves as she hugs the lady that step out of her car, Piper's new counselor I suppose.

"Come on boys," I say through gritted teeth and jump down from the stage, walking quickly over to them while the brothers follow after me.

"Does anyone else feel like this is Camp Rock?" Kevin says out loud and I stop, turning to him and just thought about it. This does seem like Camp Rock doesn't it?

"Oh my god, right?! It does!" I say and they nodded, agreeing with me before we went back to Piper and her new counselor.

"You must be Piper's new counselor! Welcome, well not really. I don't think your welcome here by me actually." I say, giving her a fake smile and she shakes my hand, raising a brow at me, she smirks at me.

"Oh I think I am, it's not my problem you blew up on Piper like that, Hazel is the name, a pleasure." She says, shaking my hand, I narrow my eyes at her and tighten my hold on her hand.

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