Chapter 13: Father's Day

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"Nick, help me out today?"

I just got off the phone with my dad, wishing him a happy Father's Day and hope to see him soon. I waited for Nick to look at me and he sighs, looking at me with a small smile on his face and nods.

"Sure, what is it?" He says and I give him a smile and I point over to Hazel and Piper.

"Today's Father's Day and I want to take Piper out to see her dad but since Hazel is in the way, distract Hazel and I'll grab Piper and I'll leave quickly with her." I say and he raises an eyebrow at me.

"It sounds like your kidnapping her." He says with a smug smile on his face and I roll my eyes.

"Come on! Please?! This would be the best Father's Day for her dad and her! And she could end up forgiving me in the end!" I say, giving him my puppy dog eyes and pouted.

He chuckles before nodding. "I'll distract her, grab Piper when she's not looking." I beam at him, I reach over and quickly hug him, before I could run away and hide to get Piper, I kiss him on the cheek before running behind a bush, my cheeks were bright red.

I calm down my racing heart, watching as Nick strolls over to them both as they talk. Piper stands near them, a little uninterested in their conversation and looks around, probably to see where the hell am I at. While Nick talks to Hazel, I creep in behind them.

Nick glances at me before looking back at Hazel, to prevent her from looking over at me, he slings a arm around her and tugs her to the other direction, I took that as the chance to grab Piper and run.

I jump up behind her, my hand covering her mouth as I muffled her surprised screams and slung her up my shoulder, running to my car as her tiny fists thumb against my back.

"Demi! What are you doing?! Are you kidnapping me?!" She screams at me as I got to my car, seating her carefully in the backset and putting her seatbelt on.

"It does look like it doesn't it? But it's for a good reason!" I say and closed the door on her, locking it so she couldn't escape and climb into the driver seat. Putting on my seatbelt, I turn on my car and drove out of camp.

I grin at Piper from my review mirror. "So, how are you? We haven't gotten to be alone because Hazel is always around you and I can't never get the chance to talk to you." I say, smiling at her while she glares at me.

"Fine, where are we going?" She asks me while looking out the window.

"It's a surprise," I grin widely at her and she raises a eyebrow at me.

"And you think it would end up me forgiving you?" She says and I nodded quickly, smiling at her.

"Yep, hopefully you do by the end of today." I say and I continue driving to the prison where they hold her father.

Once we got there and were out of the car, Piper immediately was beside me and her hand tightly gripping onto mine.

I grin down at her and squeeze her hand. She's warming up to me again. "Don't worry babe I'll protect you, come on." I tell her and she quickly hides her face into my side as we walk inside. I lower my hand to her lower back and run some circles on her, trying to comfort her. We walk up to the front desk and the guard there looks at me.

"Taking someone out?" He asks me and I nodded.

"Yeah, Peter Star, I'll have him with me for the rest of the day and I'll bring him back before eight." I tell him and Piper looks up at me in shock.

"Daddy?" She says and I smile at her, nodding.

"Yep, daddy." She squeals, beaming at me and jumps on her feet as I filled out some papers so I can take her dad out. As we sat in the chairs there, waiting for Peter, Piper grabs my phone and looks at the screen.

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