Chapter 19: Bossy Mom

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"Come on babe, let's get going." I say to Piper and she grins at me before jumping into the backseat of my car as I hold open the door for her, I smiled as she puts on her seatbelt and I close the door behind her. I walk around to the driver's seat and kissed Nick's lips quickly as he stood near my car.

"I'll see you later babe," I tell him as I sat in my seat, he closes the door behind me and smiles at me, waving at me.

"Later, have fun girls!" He says and I grin at him, turning on my car and driving out of the camp.

Once we were on the road, I look back at Piper and saw she was nervously playing with her hands.

"You okay hun?" I ask her, glancing at the road and her.

She looks up at me and nods slowly. "Yeah, I-I'm just nervous." She says quietly and looks back at her hands.

"There's nothing to be nervous about, your just going to see your mom again. And if you feel uncomfortable or want to leave, just tell me and we can go, okay baby doll?" I tell her and she smiles, nodding.

I smile at her before driving to her mom's company. Once we were there, I ask for her mother at the desk and they told me she'll be with us shortly.

So me and Piper sat, waited and quickly got bored. Be with us shortly my ass, it's almost been two hours.

Groaning in annoyance and frustration, I look back at Piper and saw she was almost asleep.

"Babe, I'm gonna get your mom. Stay right here and don't go anywhere else, you hear me?" I tell her and she nods before closing her eyes again.

I kissed her cheek before going back to the front desk.

"Where is Mrs. Star? I have asked for her almost two hours ago!" I say to the guy, he looks at me with a raised eyebrow.

"She's in a meeting," He says, sounding bored and uninterested.

I glared at him. "Which floor and room?" I ask him.

He rolls his eyes at me and I grab his collar, pulling him to me so my face was inches away from his.

"I'll ask again, which floor and room?" I say and his eyes widened with fright, knowing I could kick his ass right now.

"Floor seven, 284." He says and I nod, letting go of him and walking over to the elevators. I quickly went inside one and pressed the button for the seventh floor, people looked at me weirdly in the elevator but I didn't care, I was going to drag Piper's mom out of this building if it meant that she's going to be happy to see her.

When the doors opened to the seventh floor, I stomp my way between people, my eyes on the door that read '284' across of me.

When I was near, I slam open the door and people inside the room, jump from their seats and looked over at me in surprise. A woman was standing near the end of the table and I quickly knew she was Piper's mom just because Piper looked so much like her, only younger.

"Mrs. Star?" I ask and she gives me a confused look, raising an eyebrow.

"Yes?" She says and I smirk, walking over to her.

"I'm Demi Lovato, your daughter's camp counselor. Your coming with us today," I say and wrap my hand around her arm, dragging her out of the room. People watched me in shocked as I drag her to the elevators.

"What?! No! Let go of me! I have a meeting that you so rudely interrupted! I don't need to be going with you two!" She keeps yelling at me but I didn't let her go as she tries to brake out of my grip, I only pushed her in the elevators and pressed the bottom floor.

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