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I think knowing someone so deeply
Is such a wonderful experience.
Where you know them for
Who they are,
What they're not,
And things in between.
It takes a special kind of human
To unravel another with words.

When we talk, I feel like
I have that power to do such a thing.
When I come to understand
Your light and your darkness,
I feel everything in me ignite.
And I'm filled with the urge to love,
To hold you, to kiss you,
To tell you that
Everything will be okay,
That this too will pass.
I'm hit with the desire to express
All that I feel, not worrying about
What comes after.
But I can't bring myself to do it.
Because it would turn a predator into
Her own prey,
Damned to her own faults.

Losing you would hurt worse than
Any physical wound I'd suffer from,
Because some scars could never heal,
No matter how strong the medicine is.
I crave you, but I can't have you.

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