all in video

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I watch clips on YouTube
Of couples in shows and movies
Being painted in their stories:
How they first meet and their eyes
Catch onto a beautiful sight.
How their talks delve deeper into
Each other and they understand more
Than anyone else ever could.
And then it all clicks with a kiss,
An unspoken "I love you" between
Two hungry, longing souls.

Of course, there are roadblocks:
Fights, infidelity, conflicts of all kinds
Coming to destroy their fire.
Some fizzle out, some don't get
Their happy ending at all.
Others brave the storm and
Come back to each other,
Regardless of what happens.

Seeing all of this makes me wish
For a story as bittersweet as
All the ones I've laid eyes on.
In reality, others can find love
So easily, it seems like second nature.
For the longest time, I've tasted
Loneliness instead of lips.
I don't know what it's like to
Be loved and love with everything.
I want a story people craft in videos,
That writers craft in media,
But I'm forced to wait for it to come.
And I hope it isn't too late to get it.

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