no control

22 1 0

It's such a sad scene
When someone is forced to give up
Their sentient body
Through their mind.

I was a little girl,
Smaller than I am now.
And I ended up violated by his hands,
By a man who is meant to be
A protector
To his own blood.

The second I felt the pain of his palms
Against a skin that
Shouldn't be touched,
Muscle tied to my legs,
A standout shape from my body,
I felt every part of me die
And the world stopped around me

My anger and demands were
Met with coldness,
A distaste for resistors,
For those against you
And your actions.
You didn't care about me then,
About my space,
And it upsets me
That I was put in that position.

I wish I never was touched and
I wish you never touched me.
A daughter should not feel
Or be
Defiled by her father.

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