Moving On.

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I woke up with a pounding headache.

I wondered why but last nights events came flooding back to me.

I bit my lip as not to let the small sob out.

I got dressed slowly and headed down to the Great Hall.

Sadly, James was waiting for me in the common room.

I was determined to ignore him.

"Hey Lil!" He yelled as I walked swiftly past him.

I ignored him and quickened my pace.

"Lily! Wait up! He called after me. I continued to ignore him and I powered on to the Great Hall.

I briefly registered the hurt look on his face.

'Heart break is more painful then being ignored... Potter' I thought nastily.

I entered the Great Hall and immediately sat down between Peter and Henry.

"Morning." I said, out of breath.

Turns out that walking quickly while trying to make it look that you're not running is actually quite hard. Who knew?

"Morning Lily." They all greeted.

I started to pile food onto my plate.

I ate quickly and Sirius kept making comments about how I was going to get fat at the rate I was eating. I ignored him too.

I finished and just noticed that James was here too.

'When'd he get here?' I asked myself.

I got up to leave but McGonagall stopped me.

"Miss Evans! May I have a word?" She asked.

I groaned but nodded.

I walked over to the ante-chamber nearest McGonagall and waited for her.

"You as well Potter!" She yelled.

I groaned inwardly.

They both came over and we walked inside.

"Now. Have you two started to plan anything. At all." McGonagall asked sternly, an eyebrow raised.

"No." I answered bluntly.

"As I thought. Very well then. Professor Dumbledore thought this would be the case. He has given the two of you the day off to work on this." She told us.

'They can't be serious.' I thought.

"Yes, we are Miss Evans." She answered me as if she could read my mind.

Of course she can dumb arse! It's called Legimency. My brain taunted.

'Shut up.' I growled at it, inside my mind though.

Ohh! Hit a nerve have we? It cackled.

'SHUT IT!' I yelled at it inside my head.

This reaction wouldn't have anything to do with last night would it?

It was trying to piss me off on purpose.

I imagined hurting that evil little voice.

I smirked.

McGonagall and James were looking at me as if asking if I was alright.

I shrugged. McGonagall probably heard the thoughts and was worried if I was sane or not. And James, well, I don't know, nor do I care.

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