Easter Holiday Break: Oh God...

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I woke up at around 9:10 and groaned before I got up groggily.

I pulled my hair up quickly and raced down my stairs and towards my potion.

The timer spell I'd put there rung a minute after I arrived and I sighed in relief.

'Add two table spoons of sugar and stir clockwise thrice.'

"Sugar?" I asked.

"Yes Miss?"

"HOLY SHIT!" I jumped, nearly knocking my potion over as I freaked out.

"Sugar is sorry to have startled you Miss!" the elf cried.

"S'alright Sugar, but can I have some sugar?" I asked, breathing heavily from the shock of her appearance.

"Of course Miss!" she brightened up before she disappeared and reappeared moments later with a bowl of sugar.

"Thanks!" I grinned as I took the bowl and measured out two table spoons before I put it in there and stirred.

'Pour this mixture into the remaining vials until there is nothing left in the cauldron. Then proceed to take the largest vial of the final potion and drink it.'

"Bottoms up." I winced as I skulled the foul smelling potion.

"GACK! Keep it down Evans, keep it down!"

After I managed to convice my gut not to hurl it up again my vision was clouded and elegantly scripted black words appeared on the swirly white background.

'This particular potion makes the consumer hurt themselves and others, not physically, but emotionally, the effect only lasts one deed, the potion hasn't been registered by the Ministry, and the effects tend to be irreversible, depending on the dose. The maker is S.T.S.'

"S.T.S?" I asked myself once my vision had returned.

"Ugh!" I groaned, smashing my head against my desk.

'If only I could go to Snape, he might be able to figure this out.' I thought.

'Wait a minute... Snape, Tobias Severus. Severus, S, Tobias, T, Snape, S.' I blinked.

"Snape did this... Snape, Snivellious Snape. Made me break up with James, bastard!" I growled.

I pushed myself off the desk and stormed up to my room, putting on my best arse kicking clothes that were reasonable for the weather.

A pair of old style black leather combat boots, black denim shorts with silver studs on them, a black V-neck and James's necklace.

I took a deep breath and rubbed the pendant absent-mindedly as I marched towards the Great Hall.

But as I reached the door and was about to open it, I had another idea.

Instead of just plain and simple, beat the shit out of him, I was going to become someone else, a very familiar dog perhaps...

I quickly looked around, all clear. I changed my eye colour with a flick of my wand and morphed into Rose, finding a spiked black leather collar fastened around my neck.


I pushed the doors open and trottted through.

I instantly caught peoples attention, they hadn't seen me since start of Christmas break and I wasn't with anyone, yet I had a collar around my neck.

I stopped as the doors closed behind me, looking around at everyone with my brown eyes, nodding at them all with a nasty smirk in my eyes as I turned my head towards a certain Slytherin and started snarling viciously, stalking towards him menacingly.

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