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"Good morning, Mrs Nara, we're here to get our lazy friend!" some loud cheery voice echoed through the house. I groaned knowing straight away who it was, and who this 'we're' was as well.

My bedroom door flew open, and someone jumped on me.

"Come on, Shikarei! Time to get up!" Choro's incredibly annoyingly cheerful voice shouted in my ear. I sighed and sat up, knocking him off my bed and stretching.

"Not so loud," I muttered as I heard some pretty angry footsteps going down the hall.

"Shikaku Nara! I told you to have your ass out of that bed immediately, why're you still in that damn bed?!" I heard Ma shout at Pa. Myself, Choro, Ren and Inoiché all just sat listening as pa tried to reason with ma before hearing a loud 'ow' and a muffled 'ok, ok, I'm getting up now' before it was followed quickly with a 'what a drag...' I laughed at the thought of what happened there while the three boys just looked worried.

"Don't worry, Pa is fine," I assured them before jumping up and grabbing my clothes, going into the bathroom, and changing before going back in my room and dumping my pyjama's on my bed and leading the three boys back downstairs where Ma had food out for six.

"Join us for breakfast you three," Ma basically ordered them. I think they only accepted out of fear.

"Morning, Pa!" I greeted my father when he walked into the dining room and sat in between Ma and Ren, I was in between Inoiché and Choro.

"Morning, Princess and... Inoiché, Choro and...?" Pa looked to Ren expectantly.

"Oh-- Uhm, Ren Haruno, sir," Ren introduced himself, offering a hand to shake to my father who shook it and nodded approvingly at Ren's good manners.

2 days later_

"Wake up, Shikarei! We're going out!" Pa shouted.

"Wait-- Pa shouted?" I questioned, jumping out of my bed in so much confusion that I seemed to wake up straight away. I frowned and changed quickly, jumping down the stairs and looking at the picture in front of me confused.

"Pa is up... early?" I questioned in disbelief, he noticed me and laughed at my reaction before fixing my clothes and then grabbing my hand and dragging me out the house.

"Don't question it, just come on," he demanded, I didn't bother to argue and just ran with him to a large field where a group of extremely recognisable people were sat.

"Uncle Inoichi!" I called, letting go of Pa and jumping onto him, Inoichi smiled down at me and stuck his tongue out at the pouting Choza. Their sons looking between the two of them confused. Especially when Choza stuck his fist out to me and started making weird but incredibly annoying noises when I didn't knock my own fist against his. I sighed in defeat and gave him a fist bump, earning a satisfied laugh before I looked around again.

"So... what's happening here?" Choro asked. Guess he's as in the dark as I am.

"Well, the mothers are leaving us men and one extremely fabulous woman on our own for the day so... we decided that we should have a bit of Ino Shika Cho bonding time!" Choza exclaimed.

"Ino... Shika... Cho?" Inoiché questioned. I felt Inoichi sigh against my back as I leaned into him so I could look up.

"Yes, it's our formation," Inoichi informed us before pointing around the adults starting with himself, then my father, then Choza, "Ino, me, Shika, Shikaku, Cho, Choza."

"But what's that got to do with us?" Choro asked.

"Isn't it obvious?" I asked before pointing to Inoiché then myself, then Choro, "Ino, Inoiché, Shika, Shikarei, Cho, Choro."

Inoichi nodded, confirming my conclusion before I stood up and just flopped down on my back, staring up at the blue sky as the grass swayed around me.

"Formation Ino Shika Cho, hm?" I thought out loud, "sounds ridiculous..."

I felt someone tickling me and tried to squirm out of their grasp to see Choza mercilessly tickling me like he has for so many years.

"Take that back, lil' miss, because you're the second generation of Ino Shika Cho!" he demanded. Right now, he looks like some evil tickle monster.

"Ok! Ok! I take it back! I take it back!" I repeated, when he was satisfied, Choza had mercy and released me from his horrible torture.


"Shikarei, loosen your shoulders!" Pa shouted at me. Inoiché and Choro laughed a bit.

"I don't think they can be any looser," Choza pointed out as I just glared daggers at my father.

"Shadow possession jutsu. Complete," I announced, drawing everyone's attention to the fact they couldn't move and that their shadows were now miraculously attached to my own.

"The range and the amount of people caught. Shikarei! You're amazing!" Inoichi praised before humming to himself, "but can you free us?"

"Never," I replied, giving them a joking evil laugh. They all sighed and Inoiché shouted 'at least free the children!'

I did and Inoiché stood next to Choro before looking at his father.

"Mind transfer jutsu!" he spoke up, his body falling limp in Choro's arms as Inoiché's soul left his body and entered Inoichi's. For a while it seemed like they were seriously fighting to take control before Inoiché's soul came out on top and had control over Inoichi, so I released him and watched in amusement as Inoiché hung Inoichi upside down from a tree and then returned to his own head.

"Expansion jutsu!" Choro called, his body expanding, and he turned into his ball, "human boulder!"

I released Choza just in time so he could catch his son, but he still ended up getting flattened as Inoichi finally jumped down to the ground and I released Pa.

The three adults looked at us astounded as Choro came over and high fived the two of us.

"Told you it'd work!" Inoiché said happily.

"Hell yeah!" Choro replied extremely proud to have knocked over his father.

I turned and smirked at our parents.

"Formation Ino Shika Cho. Complete," I concluded what they'd just witnessed before flopping to the floor and declaring I was going to nap.

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