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I groaned as I reached the 56th floor out of 70. Stopping on one of the steps and catching my breath. I'm so tired.

"This is such a drag, meow," I grumbled to myself.

"You know, meow, there's a lift to get up the higher floors, meow," a voice piped up beside me and I looked to a white cat with purple highlights and green eyes and a wide smile.

"Yeah... I don't like lifts, meow," I lied. Dammit. If I knew there was a freaking lift then I would've used it! Ah!

"Where are you heading anyway, meow?" the cat asked.

"To the master, meow, I have a report from District one, meow," I replied, just making things up as I spoke. The cat brightened up even more if possible.

"You're part of the recruitment plan, meow! How's it going, meow?" it asked, I shook my head.

"Not well, meow, but it's nothing our master cat can't solve, meow," I replied, forcing fake pride into my words before we separated, and I started sprinting up the stairs 2 at a time again.

Floor 60...

Floor 65...

Come on just five more to go...

Floor 70!

I stopped at the door to the 70th floor with a grin.

"I'm here, meow," I whispered to myself before opening the door to see a long corridor. Itachi was up there waiting.

"What took you so long, meow?" Itachi asked, pushing himself off the wall and letting his crossed arms fall to his side as I stepped in and closed the door behind me.

"A cat decided to talk with me, meow," I replied, "and I got incredibly tired at 50 something floors, meow."

"I see," he chuckled before we both started sneaking down the corridor until we came across another that lead to a set of giant red doors.

"I don't know... I think that this is not a good enough sign that says this is the bosses door, meow," I joked sarcastically as we approached it. Itachi chuckled before knocking.

"Oh, so now we knock before killing someone, meow?" I asked Itachi, he laughed a bit more before the doors swung open without anyone on the other side moving it. I blinked a few times before stepping in. Itachi close behind me.

"Who are you, meow?" a loud, gruff, and very powerful voice bellowed over us.

"Purrcy and Meowska, meow," I replied, making puns out of the names, point at Itachi when I said Purrcy so he knew, "messengers from district 1, meow."

"District 1, meow?" the voice repeated, "speak your report and get out of here, meow."

I felt Itachi's hand go into my weapon pouch and grab one of my kunai before leaning against me to hide the weapon he'd just pulled out.

"The ninja cats are refusing to join, meow," I replied, "we are requesting those measures, meow, sir, meow."

"Refusing?!" the voice shouted, "ridiculous, meow! If you're here for some other motive then just show yourself, meow! I've already had a report from District 1, and it was flawless, meow!"

"So, Itachi, we were caught, meow," I whispered to him, he nodded against my shoulder before swiftly stepping back and then throwing the kunai at the wall in front of us. It instantly disappeared and showed a giant... And I mean, oversized in so many different ways.. Cat with brown and grey fur and piercing red eyes.

"Humans!" the voice came from the cat. Definitely.

"How did humans infiltrate my fortress, meow?!" the cats asked angrily. His voice raising in volume as myself and Itachi pulled the headbands off.

"Alright, how're we going to do this then?" I asked Itachi, thankful that the stupid meow wasn't on the end of my sentence anymore.

"Shadow possession, then leave the rest to me," he told me, "Sharingan."

"Shadow Possession Jutsu," I announced as my shadow extended and caught the shadow of the cat, "complete."

Itachi lunged forward and started using his Sharingan to attack.

"Shikarei! Release him!" Itachi shouted, I nodded and released the possession before Itachi threw a kunai at the cat, it hit it in the forehead as it got caught in Itachi's genjutsu.

"Finish him off, Shikarei," he tells me, I nod.

Doing my hand signs my hand flows with shadows.

"Shadow arrow!" I shouted as I threw my hand forward, the shadow shot away and shaped itself into an arrow, hitting the cat in it chest and watching as it fell back, Itachi landed next to me and released the genjutsu and we watched as the cat proofed.

"So... Did we complete our mission or not?" I asked, Itachi shrugged.

"The cats not here anymore, so I guess yes?" he replied before smiling at me.

"Well then let's get out of here. I hate... Cats... So... Much," I said quickly. He chuckled and grabbed my hand, leading me out the room. We reached the cat square and saw them all meowing and looking around confused. However, when they saw humans, they weren't too happy and started hissing at us and chasing us out of the cat fortress.

"I'm never going near one of those things ever again," Itachi commented as we reached the hidden leaf again. I just nodded in agreement.

"Itachi..." I trailed off and he looked at me, "can I have my hand back please?"

He looked down at our hands and quickly retracted his own before looking away with a hint of red dusting his cheeks.

"Those mad cats got in my head," he grumbled, "I'm going to report in, you can go home."

I nodded and turned on my heels. Basically, speed walking home.

Stupid cats!

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