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"Lady Ruan," I walked to the side of the carriage, "we're taking a break here for five minutes if you'd like to stretch your legs."

Ruan's head popped out of the window, and she grinned.

"Please burn the carriage," she begged as she jumped out said carriage, "also just call me Ruan. Lady Ruan makes me sound like a 60-year-old lady, I'm only 19."

I laugh and nodded.

"Unfortunately, we can't get rid of the carriage, it'll look super bad if it somehow disappeared," I winked at her, "but we can drop the lady."

"I suppose that will suffice," she nodded before walking over to the team and began talking.

"She reminds me of Ren," Asuma approached me, and we watched as Ruan and the siblings plus Shika all spoke together.

"Yeah," I nodded, "just a bit."

"Sucks he wasn't asked to join us, Inoiché is basically a walking mummy," Asuma joked, I looked to the blonde who was wiping up another cut, "on second thought, he has always been a mummy."

I choked on a laugh and nodded.

"Definitely," I replied, "but he's head of a medical team now, so these kinds of missions probably won't be the highest on his priority list."

I nodded and sighed before clapping my hands.

"Alright girls and guys," I announced, "time to get onto the roa--"

"Shikarei!" Asuma lunged forward and knocked me out of the way just as a kunai went flying through the area that I was just stood in.

"Crap," I hissed as he placed me on the floor again, "thanks."

"No problem," he replied

"Inoiché, Choro," I looked to them.

"Right," they both nodded and turned to the others.

"Protect Ruan no matter what, do not engage," Inoiché ordered before the two joined myself and Asuma.

"Inoiché how many?" I asked, he closed his eyes for a few moments.

"23...24..28 people," he replied, "rain nin."

"All of them?" I asked, he opened his eyes again.

"Two aren't," he replied, "rogue ninja."

I looked to him in curiosity. He looked to me sadly.

"Itachi Uchiha of the leaf and Kisame Hoshigake of the mist."

I let out a sigh.

"The Akatsuki," I pulled out two kunai and passed one to Shikamaru. He looks at me extremely confused.

"I have my own kunai you know?" he told me, I shook my head.

"Chakra blade metal," I told him, "infuse chakra into this and you'll get a new kind of weapon, alright?"

"But why?" he asked, I gave him a look as I walked over to the carriage and released the horses from being tied down by it and sent them running, "no! Shikarei you can't."

"Team 10," I looked to them, "no. Team Ino Shika Cho. Go. Take Ruan and protect her, keep moving. Get to the Leaf. We're not far away, keep following the road and you'll get there in an hour. We'll hold them off. Asuma, go with them."

"But--" he started to protest.

"Don't worry about us," Choro cut in, "we're not weak. There's a reason why we're the next heirs to our families and the strongest formation of Ino Shika Cho."

"Yeah, and we won't let Shikarei or her child get hurt," Inoiché nodded.

"You're with child?" I heard Ruan shout, "you can't fight!"

"Rule number 4 of the ninja," I spoke up as I spun the kunai in my hand around, "A shinobi must always put the mission first."

"But that's--"

"Rule number 14," I interrupted, "A shinobi must follow their commander's instructions. I am the commander, am I not? Follow the rules."

"But--" Choji began this time.

"No," Shikamaru spoke up, "She's right. If we don't want to fail our mission and start a war we need to go. Also, I have a feeling we don't want to get in the way of them. My sister has a plan. I know it."

They all sighed.

"Fine," Ino nodded, "let's go then."

"Come on, Asuma sensei," Choji called, "you too, Ruan."

"Alright," Asuma nodded, "We'll send out help once we get to the village."

"Just go," I nodded to him before launching my kunai to a tree as someone began to emerge, "go!"

He nodded and turned and ran away with everyone else, leaving myself, Choro and Inoiché to hold back the nin coming to us.

"We go down fighting?" Choro asked.

"We go down together," Inoiché nodded before putting his fist out.

I smiled and placed mine against his and Choro added his own fist before moving forward.

"Formation Ino Shika Cho," he grinned before putting his hands together, "expansion jutsu!"

Choro grew multiple feet taller than us and Inoiché jumped up to his shoulder while I jumped to his hand.

The bushes below rustled and out walked dozens of ninja. Amongst them were two ninja Inoiché had pointed out earlier.

Itachi and Kisame.

Kisame I don't know personally, he's one of the mists seven ninja swordsmen. I fought him once during the war. He's a tricky fighter, I only escaped alive because they called a fall back.

And Itachi. Well, I made the mistake of looking into his eyes one too many times, so I'm not going to do that again.

"Let's go then," I started doing my hand signs, "multi shadow monster jutsu."

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