Ino Shika Ren Cho's infinite tsukuyomi world

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Just a little break from the story. This is for if Inoiché, Ren, Choro and Shikarei all actually got trapped in the infinite tsukuyomi. This doesn't affect the story in any possible way.


Dreaming 7 years into the future

I turned around. Confusion ran through me.

"I'm... home?" I asked.

"Choro," my mother walked over and smiled, "why're you out here standing doing nothing? Your son is waiting for you."


"Son? I have a son?" I asked, leaning forward in confusion, "wha--?!"

"Of course, you have a son, Cho? Are you ok?" she asked me, "come on. He's waiting to have his birthday party. He was determined that we wouldn't start without you."

"O-oh, right," I nodded and followed her along to a familiar tree that we used to have Ino Shika Cho picnics, oh yeah, Ren came too, Itachi as well. Man, I miss those days.

"Papa!" a voice shouted to me, I turned to see a small boy with red-hair so dark it could almost be classed as a currant red.

"Hey, buddy," my instincts took over and it was like I wasn't confused about me having a son five minutes ago.

"It's time to party!" he exclaimed as he launched himself into my arms. He wasn't like all the rest of the Akimichi, he was like me. Average weight, maybe even a tad bit below that.

"Hello, Choro," a voice piped up from my right, I turned to see someone who resembled Tsume sensei, but I wasn't too sure because she was a lot older than I remembered her to look.

"Chojiro has been waiting for you to come for a while now," she told me, "I'm guessing your mission succeeded?"

Mission? Does she mean the war? That means we won right?

This is all too confusing.

"Why do you look so confused, Choro?" Shikarei walked over, I stared at her in surprise. She looks... different. She was taller now (by like three inches but still), her hair was longer and down, she even had a weird side fringe going on. It was just weird. Her eyes were brown again and she had a soft smile on her face. She looked like she'd wisened over time.

"I-- uh-- forgot?" I replied, questioning my own words, "how old are you?"

"Jeez-- you know it's rude to as a lady for her age," she rolled her eyes, "but I'm 29 and so are you, old man."

29? But we're 22...

"Papa? Can we go eat cake now?" the boy, Chojiro, asked, poking my cheek.

"Uh-- sure?" I replied before we all walked into the crowded area, we took a seat with Inoiché, who's signature long blonde hair was cut down to his shoulders and was just loosely hanging down, he had a little girl and boy jumping up and down on either side of him, pulling on his arms. Ren was also there; his short pink hair was now the length Inoiché's used to be and he looked exhausted.

"Oh, you're finally here," Ren greeted me lazily, "what took you so long? It was only the mission report, and we wrote it as we travelled here."

"Got lost in thought?" I replied awkwardly as Chojiro dropped down in my lap and eagerly reached out for a plate that my dad (old as hell) passed to him. Ren gave me a weird look before shaking his head as the girl on Inoiché's arm dropped down in his lap.

"Hey~ Uncle Ren~ can I have a kunai?" the girl asked.

"No, Inoha," Ren shook his head with a sigh, "you're too young for a kunai."

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