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We were stood on the third Hokage's stone face, looking out over the evening cloaked village.

It was silent.

Just me and Pa and he didn't seem all that happy.

"It's Itachi Uchiha's child isn't it, Shikarei?" he finally spoke up.

Why are my parents so stupidly perceptive?


"The Hokage knows of this," he told me, "I just went to see him. He told me about your last mission. Did you go just to find Itachi to sleep with him?"

Jeez, blunt and to the point.

"Of course not!" I exclaimed, turning to face him completely, "I went to get the truth from him. This was completely unplanned. We got drunk on our second last evening together, we got too drunk and neither of us could remember what we did. But now I think I'm understanding why I woke up in the same bed as him..."

I left out the other details.

"I'm 19," I reminded him, "I'm not a child!"

"I know that, Shikarei!" he shouted back before sighing and pulling me into a hug, "do you actually love the boy?"

"I do, unfortunately," I replied.

"Do you want this child?" he asked.

"Well, I wanted a kid but not as soon as this but I guess I'll... Be fine?" I replied.

"That's not what I'm asking," he told me, "I'm asking whether you want this child or not."

I paused for a moment and thought about it.

A child is big responsibility, and its even harder as a ninja than as a non nin. Then again, I'm certain I'll have support so I won't be doing it alone and I'm certain that this child would never grow up unhappy.

Then I just imagined the small face that I would see every day in the future and couldn't help but smile.

"I do," I nodded, hugging him back.

"Then I'll help you out as much as I can," he told me, "I love you, Shikarei, I always will. But first I need to know that Itachi is Itachi and not the evil teen he's made out to be."

"He's still Itachi," I assured him, "I know the whole story, the truth, but I can't tell you, I promised. But just trust me when I say that Itachi is still the good guy that we've known since he was small."

I felt Pa's arms tighten around me.

"Alright," he nodded, "sorry about earlier. I just walked out and I--"

"It's fine, Pa," I replied, "we're a family, your my Pa and I'm your daughter. No matter what happens, we'll always be that. Just because you left the house to collect your thoughts doesn't mean you're suddenly not my Pa anymore. Everyone is allowed to process."

"You're right," he nodded, "I love you, Shikarei. You're my daughter and always will be. And I'll love my grandchild the exact same. I'll even train him or her."

"Love you too, Pa," I smiled.

"Is he OK?" he asked me, "is Itachi doing OK?"

"I can't tell," I replied, "he's with a criminal organisation now, don't tell anyone this or tell anyone I told you since this is kind of top secret, but he's watching over it for the Hokage."

"The Hokage?" Pa repeated, "they must be a future threat then."

I nodded.

"I trust him," he told me, "and I trust you, don't worry, OK?"

"OK," I nodded before we separated and started walking home again.


"So that sickness was an intense early morning sickness?" Choro asked, I nodded.

We're currently at a Ino Shika Ren Cho family (excluding Ren's family) picnic and the pregnancy has been dropped onto the mat. Everyone is happy but Inoiché and Choro are acting weird.

"I'm going to be the better uncle," Inoiché proclaimed.

"In your dreams!" Choro glared, "obviously I'm the better one!"

"Actually, I think you mean I'll be the better uncle," Ren chimed in.

"Actually," Shikamaru got up and got everyone's attention, "I'll be the better uncle, don't you forget it."


"This reminds me of when a certain Nara became pregnant for the first time," Choza laughed.

"Yes it does," Inoichi nodded, "but still, I'm the better uncle so..."

Oh man. These guys are exhausting.

"What?!" Choza exclaimed, "Shikarei, tell him he's being delusional."

"You're all being delusional," I sighed, "just settle on you're all equally as good and you two, I don't have a favourite you're equal."

"Well, in my opinion, Shikaku is my favourite uncle," Choro announced, Inoichi looked hurt.

"Yeah same," Inoiché agreed, this time Choza looked hurt.

"W-well I didn't do anything special," Pa raised his hands in mock surrender as his two teammates sized him up for a take down.

"Alright, let's just calm down," Choji patted his dad shoulder and Ino pushed Inoichi back to the floor.

"What a drag, who cares who's the better uncle?" Shikamaru grumbled.

He's fallen back into his bad habits again.

"I don't," I smiled as a group of senseis and my friends walked over.

"Shikarei we heard some interesting rumours and came to confirm," Kurenai smiled sweetly.

"Yes I'm pregnant," I confirmed the unspoken rumour. She smiled brightly and almost squeezed me to death.

"The power of youth is blossoming inside of you!" Guy exclaimed with his weird poses.

Kakashi just nodded and Asuma smiled.

A hawk flew circles over my head, and I sighed.

"What could the old man want?" I questioned before standing up and dusting myself down, "Excuse me, I have a Hokage to meet."

"See you later," everyone waved as Asuma, Kurenai, Kakashi and Guy all ended up joining the picnic.


"Lord Hokage?" I knocked on the door and entered his office. He smiled and gestured for me to sit; I did.

"Hello, Shikarei," he smiled, "how're you?"

"As fine as I can be," I replied, "is something wrong?"

"Not at all," he replied before passing me a request, "Naruto wants someone to train him a bit better with the nine tails and Jiraiya has stepped up. I'd like it if you could watch over them. You know just in case Jiraiya does something stupid."

"Yes," I nodded with a slight laugh, "is this for the chunin exams coming up?"

"Yes it is," he replied, "Jiraiya just returned to the village and Naruto found him and got some free training so Jiraiya is kind of stuck with him now."

"I see," I nodded, "I'll go there now."

"Wait," he stopped me, "the child, will you tell Sasuke about them?"

"I haven't met Sasuke since we used to do those playdates when we were younger and Shikamaru was a toddler," I replied, "so until I know what Sasuke is like... I don't want to tell him for now."

"Understandable," he nodded, "I'll keep it low and tell everyone else who knows to as well."

"Most appreciated," I nodded, "anyway I should go."

"They're at the waterfall in the east," Lord Third told me, I nodded and bowed before leaving and heading towards the eastern waterfall.

I wonder if that old pervert has changed? I doubt it.

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