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The battlefield_
Hours later_

Inoiché's PoV

I let out a hum as I felt a tug on the back of my mind.

"Something wrong?" Choro asked.

"No. It just felt like someone was trying to force a connection with me, but it didn't reach," I replied.

"Could it have been Shikarei?" he asked.

"Doubt it," I shrugged, "Shikarei's amazing but I doubt she's so great as to be able to force her own mind link."

"I wouldn't be surprised if she can," Choro chuckled, "she's like a jutsu creating machine, if she can create amazing jutsu, she can definitely force her way into someone else's head."

"Suppose I can't argue with that," I nodded.



"Have you and Choro reached your location? How is it over there?"

"We're here. It's empty. Perfect place for a war, however..."

I looked up to see the sky empty of any birds.

"It's like even the wildlife know of this war."

"Yes. They're quite sensitive to such shifts in behaviour around them. Just make sure you and Choro are on your guard. Make sure to keep an eye out and support each other. You, my son, are the central communication point. Don't die."

"Wow. Thanks."

I heard my dad's chuckle rumble through my mind and smiled.

"Good luck, my boy. When this is over, let's go out for some sake. Some sake and barbecue. You, me, Ino, no alcohol for her though, the Naras and Akimichis. Plus, Ren."

"Yeah. I'd like that. It sounds like fun."


"Bye, dad."

The connection broke and I looked to Choro.

"Your dad?" he asked, I nodded.

"Ino Shika Ren Cho and Ino Shika Cho gen one and three are all going out for drinks and barbecue at the end of all this," I told him.

"Aw yeah! I get to watch the adults cry over loss of money!" he cheered before snapping his gaze off to the side, "Hey-- do you feel that?"

I let out a hum and looked to where he was looking.

"I don't," I replied, "what do you feel?"



I quickly activated my chakra sense and looked around.

"I don't see anything," I told him, but then a sudden surge came from the ground, "hold on-! No! There's something coming from the ground!"

"What?" Choro exclaimed as he jumped back to stand by my side. We both pulled out kunai each as four wooden coffins popped up from the ground.

"Reanimation?" I asked, glancing to Choro to see him nod in agreement to my thought, "but who..?"

The doors crashed open to reveal four figures.

"It's you!" Choro recognised them and stared, "from that one mission with Tsume sensei a while back!"

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