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I pushed myself to my feet, wobbling as I did and then stretching as I grabbed the new set of clothes that'd been left out for me.

"I'm bored so I'm going on a walk," I muttered, "nah. How about, 'morning, just going out for a ru-' nope that's basically asking for more tests."

I sighed and stretched, not liking how weak I felt compared to my usual self.

"Shikarei?" Ryuzo appeared in the doorway with a tray of food, "What're you doing?"

"Perfect timing, go on a walk with me," I begged, "I'm bored, Ryuzo, and I feel like I've been cooped up in this room for months."

"I mean... Technically you have?" he replied awkwardly but offered me his arm nonetheless, "come on, I'll take you up to the roof so you can get some fresh air. Lucky for you, the sandstorm season finished last week so you don't have to worry about sand getting everywhere."

"I'm in the hidden sand. Sand getting everywhere comes with the territory," I rolled my eyes as he led me out the room and up to the roof. Once up there I let out a deep sigh as I took in the fresh, non-hospital air.

"Uhm-- Shikarei... Can I ask you something?" Ryuzo asked, I looked over my shoulder to him and gestured for him to ask, "during the war... You said you'd go on a date with me. Were... Were you serious about that?"

"Of course, Ryuzo," I smiled at him, "I never lie about things like that, you know."

He stared at me wide eyed before a smile crept up on his face and he took my hand, planting a kiss on the back of it.

"Then I look forward to it," he smiled up at me before noticing a hawk flying overhead, "Looks like I'm needed. Come on, I'll take you back to your room now."

I nodded, although, I didn't want to go, and allowed him to lead me back to my room.


"How are you feeling?" someone spoke up, distracting me from my sad attempts to build up my chakra again and I looked up to see Gaara.

"Oh. Lord Gaara," I greeted him, "sorry about all of this. You've been dealing with me for months."

"It's not your fault," he sat down on the stool beside my bed, "it's good that you're recovering. After what you did during the war, this is the least we can do. Plus, Temari would have my head if I didn't help. She has always admired you."

"I feel like she's admiring the wrong person," I laughed awkwardly, "I'm nothing special. Anyway, can you tell me where Ren, Inoiché and Choro are?"

"Ren is in the hidden cloud, Inoiché, the hidden stone and Choro, the hidden mist," he told me, "They're all recovering at the same speed you are by the sounds of it."

"That's good," I nodded, "so they're alive and safe."

"Yes," he nodded, "you needn't worry too much about it."

I relaxed and smiled.

"When will I be able to go home?" I asked.

"When you're sturdy enough," Gaara replied, "though, I have a feeling it'll be soon enough."

"Thank god," I sighed, "no offense, but I'm kind of sick of all the sand and... lack of any colour that isn't sandy brown and yellow."

It's actually nice to see a colour that isn't blue now that the eyes of time are gone but it got boring really quick...

"None taken, you grew up where there are more colours in the environment than there are in paintings," he told me with the smallest smile I've ever seen on a person before, "I'm sure it's rather boring around here compared to the leaf."

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